Matthias Harders

Matthias Harders

Univ-Professor, Head of Research Group

Diplom Computer Science

+43 512 507 53338

ICT, Room 3N09


Extended CV

Matthias Harders studied Computer Science with focus on Medical Informatics at the University of Hildesheim, Technical University Braunschweig, and University of Houston, TX, till 1999. He completed his PhD in 2003 at ETH Zurich, where he also obtained his habilitation in 2007, in the area "Virtual Reality in Medicine". He worked at ETH until 2012, with short research visits in the USA, Japan, and Australia. Following a position as Reader at the University of Sheffield, UK, he became a full professor in 2014 at the University of Innsbruck, where he leads the Interactive Graphics and Simulation group. He is a co-founder of the IEEE Technical Committee on Haptics, the EuroHaptics Society, and the IEEE Transactions on Haptics. In 2008 he co-founded the spin-off company VirtaMed, which develops medical training systems.

Research Interests

Computer Haptics, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Physically-Based Simulation, Surgical Simulation

Current Teaching

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