Aurora Innsbruck BIP Staff Week
02.- 06.10.2023

Here you can find the current programme

Infos on the main meeting locations

Accommodation in Innsbruck we particularly recommend

Practical Info
Useful tips for your journey to Innsbruck
The Aurora Innsbruck Staff Week BIP, organized as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). The physical part of this BIP will take place at the Universität Innsbruck from Monday, October 2th to Friday, October 6th. The virtual parts are planned for Thursday, September 14th from 12-2pm CEST and Tuesday, October 24th from 12-2pm CEST.
With the main objective to foster community building within the Aurora Alliance, the programme offers insights into Universität Innsbruck, sharing of good practices from and with Aurora partners, job shadowing opportunities and informal get-togethers. The Staff Week is addressed at all Aurora Alliance staff (both academic and administrative staff) that are involved or interested in the different building blocks of the Aurora Alliance and is thought to be very interactive and participatory.
Here you can upload the required documents for your application before September 8th, 2023:
- Proof of home nomination
- Mobility Agreement (please be aware that the document will be signed and returned after September 8th, if the document needs to be signed earlier, please don't hesitate to contact us directly via aurora@uibk.ac.at)
Please ZIP all documents and name the ZIP file “Surname_FirstName_BIPInnsbruck.zip”.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us:
- Mobility and application process: erasmus@uibk.ac.at
- Programme and BIP in general: Thomas.baumgartner@uibk.ac.at
- Logistics and general matters: aurora@uibk.ac.at
We look forward to welcoming you soon in Innsbruck!