Aurora Global COIL Online Fair – 8 April 2025

Aurora Glo­bal COIL Online Fair - Save the Date! (08 April 2025)

Do you want to create an impact on your students and your career while learning from others and internationalising your curriculum? Connect and meet potential matches for your COIL project.

Date: Tuesday, 8 April 2025
Time: 14:00-15:30 CET
Location: Online

The Aurora Global COIL Fair 2025 is an interactive online event designed for teaching staff from Aurora member and associate partner institutions who are interested in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). Participants who complete the Registration Form will have the opportunity to connect with potential teaching partners and explore collaboration opportunities.

How It Works:

1️⃣ Fill in the Registration Form by 19 March 2025 (Deadline extended!). If you are a teacher that is interested in doing COIL but you cannot attend the Fair, please fill the Registration Form too.

Answering the form is also a sign of interest and a way to be updated on news about COIL and COIL trainings, so please be sure to answer it on time, even if you don’t have a clear idea of how to do a COIL.

The link to the Fair will be sent to all registered participants with the bulletin gathering all replies when the registration closes.

2️⃣ Read the bulletin that will be shared short after 19 March. A bulletin gathering all replies will be sent out to everyone who registered. Teaching staff can then read it through, find a potential match and feel free to email them. As a new action for this year, we will have a partnering support team that will help you identify potential matches after the Fair takes place

3️⃣ Attend the Fair (8 April 2025) and share your ideas, meet with others or speak directly with your potential partner! We will share the link after the registration closes.

REMEMBER finding a partner can be fun! YOU are finding someone who, like you, is creating community and joy for all of your students and yourself!



Between 3 and 25 June 2025 the URV will host an online training for lecturers on COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning).

The training is addressed exclusively to instructors who have a partner and wish to design and develop their COIL, step by step.

The methodology will combine asynchronous work -visualize videos and autonomous work with partner; and synchronous sessions to share progress, debate on questions and doubts and possible approaches, as well as peer learning.

The first synchronous session will take place on 3 June 2025 (15:00 to 16:00) and the final session will take place on 25 June 2025 (12:00 to 13:00). An extra day in between shall be jointly agreed with participants.

 If you need further detail on any of the above mentioned,please do not hesitate to ask us!


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