Ferdinand Kunzl

PhD, Assistenzprofessor I Assistant Professor

Room o.3.39-b

Phone: +43 (0)512 507 71435

Email: ferdinand.kunzl@uibk.ac.at

    Research interests:

    Interdisciplinary work in the area of management accounting:

    • Management accounting as social and organizational practice
    • Budgeting and dynamic forms of planning
    • Role of management accountants
    • Management control and temporality
    • Management control and agility
    Ferdinand Kunzl

    Guest editor of special issue at British Accounting Review

    Navigating the Future: Advances and Challenges in Forecasting – Call for Papers 



    Kunzl, F. (2025). The mobilisation of self-created workplace artifacts for management accountants' identity work. Management Accounting Research, 66. [Link]

    Kunzl, F. & Messner, M. (2023). Temporal structuring as self-discipline: Managing time in the budgeting process. Organization Studies, 44 (9). [link]


    Current working papers:

    Becker, S; Kunzl, F.: Management control and agility: Temporal anchor practices and the (re-)production of temporal asymmetries between waterfall mainland and agile islands

    Frederich, K., Kunzl, F. & Messner, M.: Participative budgeting as a contested practice: A study of implementing zero-based budgeting

    Wiegmann, L., Goretzki, L. & Kunzl, F.: Anticipatory control – Forecasting meetings as rituals of agitation


    Current teaching:

    • Management Accounting Seminar (Master’s Program Accounting, Auditing and Taxation)
    • Understanding and Designing Controlling Practice Lecture (Master’s Program Accounting, Auditing and Taxation)
    • Principles of Management Control Lecture (Bachelor’s Program Management and Economics)
    • Supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses


    Selected activities:

    • Editorial Board, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management
    • Member of the European Accounting Association
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