Faulhaber Martin
Name: Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Martin Faulhaber
Email: Martin.Faulhaber[at]uibk.ac.at
Phone number: +43 512 507 45893
Office location: HG-112
Address: Fürstenweg 185, 6020 Innsbruck
Research areas: Training science
Academic Career
- Diplomstudium Sportwissenschaften / Fächerbündel Prävention
- Doktorat Sportwissenschaft
Associate professor at the Department of Sport Science of the University Innsbruck
See publications
Current teaching:
- Introduction to Health Sports
- Specific Aspects of Training Science
- Specific Aspects of Exercise Physiology
- Applied Exercise Physiology
- Actual Research in Training Science
- Problem Analysis and Research in Training Science
- Application of Training Programs
- Application of Training Programs in Health Sports