Niedermeier Martin
Name: Martin Niedermeier
Email: Martin.Niedermeier[at]
Phone number: +43 512 507 45860
Office location: FH-205
Tutorial hours: by arrangement
Address: Fürstenweg 176, 6020, Innsbruck
Research area: Sport and exercise psychology
Martin Niedermeier studied sport and movement science at the Department of Sport Science at the University of Innsbruck. In his doctoral thesis supervised by Prof. Martin Kopp, he focused on associated psychophysiological effects and risk considerations in Alpine sports. He completed his habilitation in sports science with special consideration of sport psychology in 2024. His research interests include associated psychological aspects of single exercise bouts and the role of expectations in the context of exercise and physical activity.
- Exercise and health psychology (focus on alpine sports)
- Single exercise bouts and associated psychological aspects
- Expectations in the context of physical activity
- Statistics
Teaching (ongoing):
- PS Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
- PS Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
- SL Sportwissenschaft
- UE Klettern
- UE Psychoregulative Techniken in der Trainingstherapie: Biofeedback
- VO Aktuelle Forschung in der Sportpsychologie, Sportsoziologie und Sportpädagogik
Teaching (previously):
- PS Empirische Methoden in der Sportwissenschaft
- SE Seminar mit Bachelorarbeit
- UE Bewegungsspiele
- UE Studiendesigns und statistische Analysen
- VU Studiendesigns
Highlighted publications:
Niedermeier M, Steidl-Müller L, Kopp M (2022). Physical activity in short study breaks: Short-term effects on cognition and potential for implementation in students’ everyday life. Current Issues in Sport Science, 7, 001.
Niedermeier M, Frühauf A, Kopp M (2022). Intention to Engage in Mountain Sport During the Summer Season in Climate Change Affected Environments. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.
Maibach M, Niedermeier M, Sudeck G, Kopp M (2020). Erfassung unmittelbarer affektiver Reaktionen auf körperliche Aktivität: Eine Validierungsstudie für deutschsprachige Versionen der Feeling Scale und der Felt Arousal Scale. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie 2020, 27(1), 4-12. Doi:
Niedermeier M, Herzog S, Kopp-Wilfling P, Burtscher M, Kopp M (2019). Is the Effect of Physical Activity on Quality of Life in Older Adults Mediated by Social Support? Gerontology 2019, 13, 1-8. Doi:
Niedermeier M, Frühauf A, Kopp-Wilfling P, Rumpold G, Kopp M (2018). Alcohol consumption and physical activity in Austrian college students – a cross-sectional study. Substance Use Misuse 2018, 1-10 (efirst). Doi:
Niedermeier M, Einwanger J, Hartl A, Kopp M (2017). Affective Responses in Mountain Hiking - a Randomized Crossover Trial Focusing on Differences between Indoor and Outdoor Activity. PloS One 2017, 12(5), e0177719. Doi: