Paul Sebastian


Name: Paul Sebastian, MSc

Email: sebastian.paul[at]

Office location: FH-201

Tutorial hours: by arrangement

Address: Fürstenweg 176, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria


Research area:  Sports medicine, Physiology of performance and prevention

Sebastian completed his BSc in Sports and Performance (2021) and his MSc in Sports and Exercise Science (2024) at the German Sport University Cologne (GSU) (Germany). During his master’s program, he worked as an research assistant at the GSU under the supervision of Prof. Lars Donath, and in collaboration with Prof. Anne Hecksteded, where he investigated distinct gene expression patterns to diverging exercise stimuli. Those research efforts yielded his first publication and pathed the way for future scientific endeavors.Thereafter, he started a PhD program at the University of Innsbruck, where he is currently working in the research group led by Prof. Anne Hecksteden.

  • Sports medicine
  • Individualizing preventative exercise
  • Molecular biology
  • Exercise physiology



Paul, S., Donath, L., Hoppstädter, J., & Hecksteden, A. (2024). Resistance but not endurance training suppresses glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) expression in human skeletal muscle. European journal of applied physiology, 10.1007/s00421-024-05644-7. Advance online publication.

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