Zhang Martin


Name: Zhang, Martin M.Sc.

Email: Martin.Zhang[at]uibk.ac.at

Phone number: +43 512 507 45835

Office location: FH-124

Tutorial hours: by arrangement

Address: Fürstenweg 176, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-8566-336X

Research area:  Sport economics

Martin studied sport science, where he completed his bachelor’s degree at the Technical University Munich in 2021 and his master’s degree in Innsbruck in 2024. Since his doctoral studies in 2025, his research focuses on modern technologies in the sport tourism industry. Besides the scientific work, he is also a certified mountain hiking guide, fitness trainer (A Lizenz) and frequent marathon runner (>250).

  • Technology and innovation in tourism
  • Digitalization in sport tourism
  • Sustainable tourism development
  • PR Angewandtes Sportmanagement
  • VU Trends im Wintersport
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