Former employees
Here you will find our former project staff and student employees with personal information and contact details in alphabetical order.
More information about Marco Achhorner:
Berthold, Patrick was a student assistant at the Department of Media, Society and Communication from October 2018 to March 2019.
Bstieler, Michaela, BBA, studied Philosophy and Educational Sciences at the University of Innsbruck. She worked as a student assistant at the Department of Psychosocial Intervention and Communication Studies, the Department of Media, Society and Communication and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Innsbruck.
Dibuja has worked in Chile, Guatemala, Morocco and Austria in the field of communication for social change, especially with free media. At the Department of Media, Society and Communication, she worked on a dissertation project on alternative management of communication processes within social organisations.

Castellana, Francesco completed his media pedagogical internship in the educational science programme at the University of Vienna as part of the research work of associate professor Dr. Petra Missomelius on video cultures and digital practices of mourning and commemoration.

Dell'Anna, Chiara was a student assistant at the Department of Media, Society and Communication from October 2020 to May 2021. In her Bachelor's degree, she majored in Media Studies and minored in Empirical Cultural Studies at the University of Tübingen. In her Master's degree, she is studying Gender, Culture and Social Change at the University of Innsbruck.
No information currently available
No information currently available
No information currently available
Hofer, Nina is studying German and Media Education at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck for her Bachelor's degree. As a student assistant in the DigiVis project, she created didactic materials and helped with the digitisation of archive materials.
Laube, PenelopeBAwas a student assistant at the Department of Media, Society and Communication between September 2021 and April 2022. She studied Linguistics at the University of Innsbruck. After graduating, she began a Master's degree in Media and a Bachelor's degree in Translation Studies.
More information about Penelope Laube:
Laner, Barbara, Dr phil., studied Comparative Literature and English and American Studies at the LFU Innsbruck and received her doctorate in 2014.
From February 2017 to January 2018, she carried out the interdisciplinary TWF project in the field of Digital Humanities "Visualisation Strategies for Digital Archives - The Case of Discourse Analysis and the Ernst-von-Glasersfeld-Archive" at the Department of Media, Society and Communication.
Lederwasch, Anton was employed in our technical secretariat from September 2018 to the end of November 2020.
More information about Eva Lindner:
More information about Karina Kirsten:
Oettl, Manfred is studying mechatronics with a specialisation in biomedical engineering at the University of Innsbruck. He worked as a technical secretary at the Department of Media, Society and Communication between the beginning of March 2020 and the end of September 2021.
Ortner, Gerhard, Mag., studied Media Education at the LFU Innsbruck and has been an external lecturer at the Faculty of Educational Sciences since 2013. He has been a lecturer at VHS Innsbruck since 1999, specialising in the design and delivery of IT courses for all age groups.
More information about Penz Jasmin:
No information currently available
More information about Karin Schönegger:
From 2014 he was a student assistant in research, teaching and administration at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (University of Innsbruck).
In 2018, he worked for the Department of Media, Society and Communication at the University of Innsbruck as a web officer and research assistant.
More information about Thomas Walli:
E-Mail: Thomas.Walli_(at)