Dr. Franz Reiter, BA MA

Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Institut für Medien, Gesellschaft und Kommunikation
Grauer Bär, Universitätsstraße 5-7, A-6020 Innsbruck
Büro 1S18, 1. Stock
Franz Reiter ist seit Juni 2024 Postdoc Researcher am Institut für Medien, Gesellschaft und Kommunikation. Er war von 2019 bis 2023 Predoc Researcher am Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft der Universität Wien. Dort promovierte er 2024 mit seiner Dissertation zum Thema „Dirty Campaigning in Electoral Communication: Perceptions and Effects”. Darin untersuchte er die Wahrnehmung und Auswirkungen von Dirty Campaigning auf demokratierelevante Aspekte, wie etwa das politische Vertrauen, Bewertungen von Politiker*innen oder Emotionen gegenüber dem Wahlkampf.
Seine Dissertation wurde mit dem Uni:docs Stipendium für exzellente Doktorand*innen gefördert und erhielt u.a. den Article of the Year Award in Mass Communication and Society.
Franz Reiter forscht in den Bereichen Wahlkampf, Mediennutzung, soziale Medien, politische Partizipation, politische Kommunikation und quantitative Methoden.
Er publizierte in führenden internationalen Fachzeitschriften, z.B. Digital Journalism, Social Science Computer Review, Mass Communication and Society, Politics and Governance, und American Behavioral Scientist.
- Politische Kommunikation
- Wahlkampf
- (Soziale) Medien
- Wirkungsforschung
- Quantitative Methoden
- LEADER-Projekt „Tirol partizipiert: Partizipative Kommunikation auf Gemeindeebene“ (Co-PI mit Uta Rußmann, Laufzeit: 05/2024 – 06/2025)
Förderung: 70.433 € durch Regionalmanagement Innsbruck-Land - Uni:docs Fellowship-Programm für exzellente Doktorand*innen für das Dissertationsthema: „Dirty Campaigning in Electoral Communication: Perceptions and Effects” (Laufzeit: 10/2019-09/2022)
Förderung: Dreijährige Praedoc Stelle; 18.000 € Forschungsförderung
- 2023 Paper of the Year Award für die Publikation “’The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’: A Panel Study on the Reciprocal Effects of Negative, Dirty, and Positive Campaigning on Political Distrust”. Mass Communication and Society (Co-Autor: Jörg Matthes).
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften
Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2024). On the Immoral Campaign Trail: Conceptualization, Underlying Affective Processes, and Democratic Outcomes of Perceived Dirty Campaigning. American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00027642241240335
Reiter, F., Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2023). Explaining Attitude-Consistent Exposure on Social Network Sites: The Role of Ideology, Political Involvement, and Network Characteristics. Social Science Computer Review, 41(4), 1207–1226. https://doi.org/10.1177/08944393211056224
Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2023). Correctives of the Mainstream Media? A Panel Study on Mainstream Media Use, Alternative Digital Media Use, and the Erosion of Political Interest as Well as Political Knowledge. Digital Journalism, 11(5), 813–832. https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2021.1974916
Matthes, J., Nanz, A., Kaskeleviciute, R., Reiter, F., Freiling, I., Neureiter, A., Stubenvoll, M., Sherrah, S. E., Juricek, S., Munzir, A. A., & Noronha, I. (2023). The Way We Use Social Media Matters: A Panel Study on Passive Versus Active Political Social Media Use and Affective Polarization. International Journal of Communication, 17(0), Article 0.
Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2022). How Partisanship Matters: A Panel Study on the Democratic Outcomes of Perceived Dirty Campaigning. Politics and Governance, 10(4), 247–260. https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v10i4.5672
Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2022). “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”: A Panel Study on the Reciprocal Effects of Negative, Dirty, and Positive Campaigning on Political Distrust. Mass Communication and Society, 25(5), 649–672. https://doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2021.1934702
Beiträge zu Sammelbänden und Enzyklopädien
Reiter, F. (2021). Negative Again? Eine empirische Analyse von Negative Campaigning der ÖVP im Nationalratswahlkampf 2017. [Negative Again? An Empirical Analysis of Negative Campaigning of the ÖVP in the Austrian Parliamentary Election Campaign 2017]. In B. Metzler, J. Himmelsbach, D. Bertel, D. Schmid, N. Grohs, & P. Nigitsch (Eds.): (Deutungs-)Macht des Öffentlichen. Beiträge zur dritten under.docs-Fachtagung zu Kommunikation (pp. 223-232). danzig & unfried.
Vorträge auf Tagungen
Reiter, F., & Freiling, I. (2023, May). “I Believe It’s True”: How Mainstream Media and Right-Wing Alternative Media Use Fuel Belief in Climate Change Truth Claims. Presentation to the Mass Communication Division at the (hybrid) 73rd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, Toronto, Canada.
Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2022, August). How Partisanship Matters: A Panel Study on the Democratic Outcomes of Perceived Dirty Campaigning. Presentation to the Political Communication Division at the 105th Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), August 3-6, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Matthes, J., Nanz, A., Kaskeleviciute, R., Reiter, F., Freiling, I., Neureiter, A., Stubenvoll, M., Sherrah, S. E., Juricek, S., Munzir, A. A., & Noronha, I. (2022, May). The Way We Use Social Media Matters: A Panel Study on Passive Versus Active Political Social Media Use and Affective Polarization. Presentation to the Mass Communication Division at the (hybrid) 72nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 26-30, Paris, France.
Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2022, May). How Dirty Campaigning Affects Democratic Outcomes: Examining Dimensions, Processes, and Contingent Conditions. Presentation to the Political Communication Division at the (hybrid) 72nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 26-30, Paris, France.
Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2021, May). Perceived Dirty Campaigning in Politics: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Democratic Outcomes. Presentation to the Political Communication Division at the (virtual) 71st annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 27-31.
Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2021, May). “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”. A Panel Study on the Reciprocal Effects of Negative, Dirty, and Positive Campaigning on Political Distrust. Presentation to the Mass Communication Division at the (virtual) 71st annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 27-31.
Reiter, F., Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2020, August). What explains diverse opinion exposure on social network sites? Investigating the role of ideological extremity, political involvement, and network characteristics. Presentation to the Political Communication Section at the (virtual) ECPR General Conference, August 24-28.
Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2020, May). Correctives of Mainstream Media? A Panel Study on Mainstream Media Use, Alternative Media Use, and the Erosion of Political Interest. Paper accepted for presentation at the ICA 2020 pre-conference “From the rise of alternative media to the (dis)engagement of MSM: Making sense of the new political news environment and its audiences”, May 21.
Reiter, F. (2020, May). Positive, negative, and dirty campaigning in the news: A longitudinal content analysis. Paper accepted for presentation at the (virtual) ICA 2020 pre-conference Journalism Studies Graduate Student Colloquium, May 21.
Reiter, F. (2019, November). Positive, Negative, and Dirty Campaigning in Electoral Communication: Perceptions, Content, and Effects. Presentation at the 2nd Graduate Conference of the Austrian Political Science Association (ÖGPW), November 28-29, Vienna, Austria.
Reiter, F. (2018, November). Ziele von Negative Campaigning der ÖVP im Nationalratswahlkampf 2017 [Targets of Negative Campaigning of the ÖVP in the Austrian Parliamentary Election Campaign 2017]. Presentation at the 6th ÖGPW Tag der Politikwissenschaft, November 29-30, Innsbruck, Austria.
Reiter, F. (2018, November). Innerparteiliche Arbeitsteilung von Negative Campaigning der ÖVP im Nationalratswahlkampf 2017 [Inner-Party Divison of Labor of Negative Campaigning of the ÖVP in the Austrian Parliamentary Election Campaign 2017]. Presentation at the 9th NapoKo-Kolloquium, November 15-17, Mainz, Germany.
Reiter, F. (2017, October). Negative Again? Eine empirische Analyse von Negative Campaigning der ÖVP im Nationalratswahlkampf 2017 [Negative Again? An Empirical Analysis of Negative Campaigning of the ÖVP in the Austrian Parliamentary Election Campaign 2017]. Poster-presentation (work in progress) at the 3rd under.docs conference ‘(Deutungs-) Macht des Öffentlichen’, October 19-21, Vienna, Austria.
Mitgliedschaftin Fachgesellschaften
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK)
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
- International Communication Association (ICA)
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft (ÖGPW)
Peer-Review Tätigkeiten
Ad-hoc Reviews für Journals
- Human Communication Research, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journal of Computational Social Science, Media Psychology, Political Communication, Politics and Governance, Social Media + Society, The International Journal of Press/Politics
- Konferenzen: AEJMC, ICA
Organisation von Tagungen und Workshops
- Jahreskonferenz der Fachgruppe “Kommunikation und Politik” (DGPuK), “AK Politik und Kommunikation” (DVPW) und “Politische Kommunikation” (SGKM) (zusammen mit Uta Rußmann und Viorela Dan)
26.-28. Februar 2025, Innsbruck, Österreich
Third Mission
- Interview mit dem NiemanLab, Nieman Foundation der Harvard University
Chakradhar, S. (2021). Non-mainstream news sites erode people’s interest in politics, study finds. NiemanLab.