Fungal Ecology, Ectomycorrhizae and Biodiversity
Leiterin: Ursula Peintner
Team: Bettina Schneidhofer, Lesley Huymann, Alexander Huber, Edoardo Mandolini, Maraike Probst, Benjamin Urban
- Soil fungal communities in the Alpine environment
- Interactions of fungi in snow-covered soil
- Fungal mutualistic associations (mycorrhiza, endophytes)
- Phylogeny and Systematics of Basidiomycota
- Ethnomycology and applied mycology
Latest Projects
- Microbial Interaction in Snow-Covered Soil MICINSNOW (FWF)
- The Hidden Potential of South American Dermocyboid Cortinarii [POSADEC] (WEAVE)
- Unleashing the hiddenpotential of anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigiomycota)
- DNA-based fungal diversity in the Taro Valley