Mycological Collection
Mycological collection of the Herbarium (IB) is now part of the Naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen of the Tiroler Landesmuseum (IBF)*
The mycological collection comprises approximately 25.000-30.000 records of fungi. The collection was established by Dr. Dr.h.c. Meinhard M. Moser (1924-2002) in the fifties of the past century. The main part of the collection consists of Agaricales, Russulales, Boletales, and ‘Aphyllophorales’.
Fore more than fifty years, all mycological records were deposited in the Herbarium IB of the Department of Botany, University Innsbruck, Austria.
*The mycological collection of the University of Innsbruck (IB) was incorporated into the Natural Sciences Collections of the Tiroler Landesmuseen (IBF), Krajnc-Straße 1, 6060 Hall, Austria, in 2018.