Mycological Collection
Meinhard Moser, Dr. Dr.h.c
(13. March 1924 - 30. September 2002)

Professor Meinhard Michael Moser (M.M. Moser) was an internationally respected mycologist with a profound knowledge of fungal ecology and biogeography, further interested in fungal chemotaxonomy and toxicology. His favorite area of research was the taxonomy of one of the most complex genera of agarics, Cortinarius. More than 200 scientific publications reflect his tireless engagement and his mycological monographs, books, and keys are basics amongst specialists (see bibliography). The „Kleine Kryptogamenflora von Mitteleuropa was published in 1953, and it’ s subsequent new editions (1955, 1967, 1978, 1983 and 1985) have been at the top of the bestseller lists of mycological books for several generations.
Most of his 25.000 records are documented by detailed descriptions, thousands of slides or numerous water color documents. His earliest collections are preserved in München (M), including numerous type collections of "Die Gattung Phlegmacium (Schleimköpfe). Die Pilze Mitteleuropas, Band IV, Bad Heilbrunn, Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 1960".