Cost refund of German course

We would like to inform you about the procedure for a cost subsidy:

  1. An application for a cost subsidy must always be submitted to Mrs Tanja Lindner, Personnel Development Office, before the start of the course. (
  2. After approval of a pro rata assumption of costs for the course by the Personnel Development Department, the institute management must be asked whether 25% of the course will be paid from the institute. (Bring the invoice to Heide Ortner (Sekretariat), the confirmation of participation, the refund form and the confirmation of the payment, so she can apply for the 25 % refund for you)

  3. After that is done, you should follow the instructions from the Personalentwicklung:

    For being able to get the refund from the Personalentwicklung, please send them the following documents after completing the course:

  • SAP-Documentation of your organizational unit covering 25% of the course costs

  • copy of the refund form, the invoice and confirmation of payment

  • confirmation of participation


For further information please ask Tanja Lindner from the Personalentwicklung:

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