Welcome to the online component of the
Elicitive Conflict Mapping (ECM)
We have created this online tool with the objective of presenting the ECM to a broader audience of peace and conflict students, researchers and facilitators who are interested in investigating and developing a plurality of creative and peaceful courses of action for elicitive conflict transformation.
By bringing together the theoretical and academic building blocks of the Innsbruck Peace Studies School approach in a didactical format, with special emphasis on the graphic components, we aim to support those in search of:
- Understanding and clarifying the conflict episode
- Visibilizing the conflict parties
- Viewing the conflict dynamics at different levels and through different layers
For your use of the mind map, find a short introduction that explains the basics of ECM, its main components (ECM as working method, Principles, Themes, Layers and Levels), as well as some clues as to the possible entry point.
Alternatively, if you are familiar with the approach, click on any of the branches or on any of the topics on the left menu.
Download here the "Elicitive Conflict Mindmap"