Department News 2025
JAN 2025
The new year kicked off with a very productive visit of our wonderful collaborator Ass. Prof. Dr. Freyja Jónsdóttir from the University of Iceland. Aside from visiting her students Krísín Brynjarsdóttir and Jóhanna Lan who are working with us on an ERASMUS+ scholarship until May, we worked on the progression of several joint collaborative research projects.
January also saw the publication of a statement paper by the The International Collaboration of Pharmacy Journal Editors (ICPJE) [1]. This international group of colleagues is dedicated toward strengthening clinical, social and administrative pharmacy practice, not only as a discipline, but the entire profession, including the patients served by its clinicians and researchers. We are very proud to be part of this group.
At the end of January, we contributed to the new interdisciplinary Pg MSc in Medication Therapy Safety. A joint project of different Universities in Germany. Prof. Weidmann delivered a teaching session on “Success and barriers to service implementation in clinical practice.” What a great opportunity to help educate the large range of healthcare professionals on keeping patients safe.
[1] Alves da Costa, F., Fernandez-Llimos, F., Desselle, S. et al. The International Collaboration of Pharmacy Journal Editors (ICPJE) formally constituted to foster quality around clinical and social pharmacy practice research publications*. Int J Clin Pharm 47, 4–7 (2025).
FEB 2025
February saw the world of clinical and pharmacy practice descend on Innsbruck as we successfully hosted the 14th Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) Conference.
120 researchers and colleagues from Australia to Ireland took part in a 3.5-day event from 5th – 8th February. In addition to 12 hours of workshops on five different topics from quality indicators to design thinking, attendants were treated to plenary lectures on a diverse range of topics: Pharmacogenomics in Medication reviews [Prof. Dr. Kurt E. Hersberger & Anna Bollinger, The University of Basel, Switzerland]; Application of behavioural theories, models and frameworks in pharmacy practice research [Prof. Dr. Anita Elaine Weidmann, The Innsbruck University, Austria]; Challenges and opportunities of introducing AI-enabled solutions in pharmaceutical care and research [Assoc. Prof. Kreshnik Hoti, University of Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo] and Evaluation of medication management reviews: are they effective in optimising pharmaceutical care? [Prof Timothy F. Chen, The University of Sydney]. This is the first time ever that the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) Conference was held in Austria, and we are grateful to our main sponsor the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists for their support to allow this to take place at Innsbruck University. We were proud to have hosted PCNE at this university.
February also saw the publication of several more papers:
Our PhD student Danielle, published her very first paper – congratulations! The aim of the scoping review was to examine the approaches to identifying, classifying, and documenting DRPs in community pharmacies in Europe, and their associated barriers and facilitators.
Next up was the publication from one of our excellent Masters students projects. Teresa interviewed nurses at the Barmherzige Brüder hospital in Linz with the aim to determine their attitudes towards the unit dose dispensing system implemented by the hospital pharmacy department and explore their experiences with its implementation.
Lastly we are delighted that the first of a series of papers looking at the role of medication risk in the development and treatment of delirium in different patient groups. The work was done in collaboration with the University of Iceland. Gudny Björk Proppe an ERASMUS+ student from Iceland conducted this work while on her 6 month mobility scholarship at our department here at UIBK
Department News 2024
JAN 2024
The International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy has published a collaborative Systematic review that looked at the important topic on the use of behavioural theories, models, and frameworks in pharmacy practice research. [1]
This review serves as a useful resource for future researchers to inform their investigations. Greater emphasis to adopt a systematic approach in the reporting of the use of behavioural theories/models/frameworks will beneft pharmacy practice research and will support researchers in utilizing behavioural theories/models/framework in aspects of pharmacy practice research beyond intervention development.
We are proud of our collaboration with the Schools of Pharmacy at Qatar University & the Univeristy of Birmingham.
[1] Nazar Z; Mohammad Naseralallah L; Stewart D; Paudyal V; Weidmann AE., 2024. The use of behavioural theories, models, and frameworks in pharmacy practice research: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024;46:559-573.
FEB 2024
We are proud to be involved in helping to deliver the new interdisciplinary “MSc in Medication Therapy Safety”. A collaborative blended learning postgraduate MSc delivered by several universities across Germany. The unique postgraduate course is open to the full spectrum of qualified healthcare professionals:
MARCH 2024
The Clinical Pharmacy Department showcased some of our outstanding Masters students (Theresa Drechsel & Rafael Knauseder) work at the European Association for Hospital Pharmacy conference in Bordeaux from the 20-22. March
The projects were completed in collaboration with Dr. Theodoral Steindl-Schönhuber & Dr. Gunda Gittler from the Pharmacy Department, Barmherzige Brüder Linz & Mag. Pharm. Angelina Sonnleiter-Hegelmeier & Mag.Pharm. Martina Jeske of the Pharmacy Department, Innsbruck University Hospital.
Further Univ.- Prof. Dr. Anita Weidmann attended the Annual Editorial Board Meeting for the European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (EJHP), in Bordeaux, in her capacity as an Associate Editor.
This month two of our papers were published.
The first is a very insightful commentary which tries to sumamrise the current debate on Artificial intelligence in academic writing and clinical pharmacy education. While also trying to look ahead at the consequences and opportunities for clinical pharmacy research. This commentary has already been cited 10 times. [1]
The second paper reports on the results from a nominal group technique with pharmacy owners and german pharmacy chambers employees to gain their recommendations for, and obtain consensus on, mechanisms of change that allow implementation strategies to work in practice. This study identified stakeholders’ priorities for mechanisms of change to implement MRs in community pharmacies. Focusing efforts on the prioritised mechanisms is likely to significantly advance a national implementation plan for countries which are at an early implementation stage. The study was authores by PhD student Dorothee Michel at the Robert Gordon Univeristy, Aberdeen, UK. [2]
[1] Weidmann AE. Artificial intelligence in academic writing and clinical pharmacy education: consequences and opportunities. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024; 46:751-754.
[2] Michel D, Tonna A, Dartsch D, Weidmann AE. Implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacy: reaching consensus on stakeholders’ recommendations for mechanisms of change using the nominal group technique. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024. 46:714-726.
APRIL 2024
On April 25.& 26. the fifth meeting of the German Speaking Network of Patient Safety Research [Deutschsprachiges Netzwerk Patientensicherheits-Forschung (DNPF)] took place at the Institut for medical ethics, Univeristy of Vienna. This meeting, chaired by Dr. Brigitte Ettl ((Institutsleitung, Karl Landsteiner Institut für Klinisches Risikomanagement) saw a range of presentations around the topic of patients safety from colleagues all over the German speaking countries of central Europe.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anita Weidmann was invited to speak at this meeting for the first time since becoming chair of the clinical pharmacy department at the University of Innsbruck. She presented research results on the development of a clinical pharmacy competency framework for hospital pharmacist and the development of a consensus prescribing guideline on delirium:
Two more of our papers were published:
The first is a commentary describing the development of a custom-made large language model (LLM) (DELSTAR) trained on a wide range of internationally recognised scientific publication databases, pharmacovigilance sites and international product characteristics to help identify and summarise medication related information on delirium, as a proof-of-concept model, identified new facilitators and barriers for robust clinical pharmacy practice research. It explores the opportunities for clinical pharmacy practice research and was authored in collaboration with Mr Edward Watson from the Department of Media and Learning Technology, Innsbruck University [1]
The second paper, was authored by our PhD student, Mag. Jasmin Stoll and presents her very first publication (Congratulations!!!!). This scoping review summarises the different hospital pharmacy services at transition of care (TOC) points in order to identify development trends and practice patterns in high-income countries over the past decade. [2]
[1] Weidmann AE, Watson EW. Novel opportunities for clinical pharmacy research: Development of a machine learning model to identify medication related causes of delirium in different patient groups. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024. 46:992-995.
[2] Stoll, JT, Böhmdorfer-McNair, B, Weidmann AE. Hospital Pharmacy Service at transition of care points: a Scoping Review. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacists. 2024
MAY 2024
On the 16th May we were delighted to host yet another “Pillenpallaber” evening on the topic of “Legalisation of Cannabis”. Approx. 35 Phamracy students from all years of Bsc & MSc phases of the Pharmacy degree met at “Glorious Bastard” to enjoy an enterntaining evening of learning about and discussing the legalization of cannabis in Germany. We were particularly delighted that our friends and colleagues from the Pharmacognosy department followed our invitation and joined in the fun.
On May 24th, the incredibly exciting “Long Night of Research” took place once again. Our team was of course fully present to inspire the next generation to get interested in pharmacy.
JUNE 2024
As the summer ramps up so does our research activity. This month no less than two majorly important events for us are happening one is the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Conference (20 -21 June) and directly following it is the second meeting of the Granada Statements Group (22– 23.06). Both events are highly influential in shaping the landscape of clinical pharmacy research across the globe. Both events took place in the wonderful city of Basel (Switzerland).
At the PCNE conference, Ivana not only presented her work on Exploring Discrepancy Classifications, our department also became Faculty members of the PCNE for the first time. This complements our extensive activities with the European Association of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP) and ensures we have a strong representation across the clinical pharmacy research landscape of Europe.
And if that wasn’t enough our very own Dr. Ivana Tadić was elected to be the next president of PCNE promptly announcing the next PCNE conference to be held in Innsbruck 5.-8. February 2025. This is the very first time this prestigious conference is coming to Austria and we are proud to be hosting it at UIBK.
Also see the Uni News report on this:
As stated earlier there was more to come. As the prestigious Granada Statements group met in Basel directly after the PCNE conference (22. – 23. June). This is a group of leading pharmacy practice researchers who also act as Editors in Chief; Associate Editors and Publishers of all the key International Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice Research Journals. The Aim of the Granada statements and this second meeting is to drive excellence in pharmacy practice research and publishing. Univ.- Prof. Dr. Anita Weidmann was invited in her role as Associate Editor for both the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & the European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy as well as a member of the Editorial board of Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. The output from this meeting was published in all major pharmacy journals [1]
To finish off June, Univ.- Prof. Dr. Anita Weidmann travelled to The University of Graz where she delivered an elective module on clinical pharmacy to Masters levels pharmacy students at the Karl-Franzens University. This short taster of clinical pharmacy has been running since 2017 and covers all the basic elements of medication therapy safety as well as some fun activities around communication skills.
[1] Alves da Costa, F., Fernandez-Llimos F., Arnet I, Babar Z, Bond C., Cordina M., Maguy El Hajj, MS., Garcia Cardenas, V., Jacobsen R., Law A., Nørgaard L., Polidori C., Shcherbakova N., Stewart D., Tonin F., Weidmann AE. The International Collaboration of Pharmacy Journal Editors (ICPJE) formally constituted to foster quality around clinical and social pharmacy practice research publications. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2024. S1551-7411(24)00356-5.
JULY 2024
Just befor the summer break we received some awesome news. The federal Ministry of Health passed a new law giving hospital pharmacists the legal right to work “under the delegation of a medical prescriber”. This marks a huge step forward for clinical pharmacy in Austria and marks the first considerable law change for many decades. We are proud that our research around the development and implementation of a clinical pharmacy competency framework has directly help to support this legal change. [ & ]
Univ.Porf-Dr. Anita Weidmann has also been invited to be a guest editor on a special issue on “artificial intelligence and related innovative technologies in clinical pharmacy practice and education” published by the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. [1]
July finished off with an invited Keynote at the LMU Münich as part of their PHD in Clinical Pharmacy summer symposium []. A great opportunity to learn about the great research that’s ongoing within the programme of our closest collaborating University and identify synergies for future research opportunities.
[1] Hoti, K., Weidmann AE. Encouraging dissemination of research on the use of artificial intelligence and related innovative technologies in clinical pharmacy practice and education: call for papers. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024. 46:777-779.
While the University enjoys it’s summer roll back we celebrated the publication of two more papers:
- Stoll, JT., Böhmdorfer-McNair, B., Jeske M., Weidmann AE. Development and validation of a national clinical pharmacy competency framework for hospital pharmacists in Austria: a multi-method study. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024.
- Dartsch D, Weidmann AE. 2024. Teaching AMTS competencies: knowledge, actions and skills. Pharmakon. 2024, issue 5/24.
We also enjoyed some much needed team building 3D-Mini golf.
Pssst – we are all busy preparing ALL the incredible activities for the final quarter of 2024.
With ongoing teaching we had a busy time attending the annual symposium for the Austrian Platform for patient safety: and a workshop about the future of clinical pharmacy in Austria, hosted by the Austrian hospital pharmacy Alliance (AAHP): This meant a fantastic reunion with pharmacy friends.
PhD student Mag.pharm Danielle Hochhold travelled to Krakow and Poland to present her research at the ESCP Symposium on “Implementing and scaling sustainable clinical pharmacy practice” in Krakow Poland and at the 6th Congress for patient safety in Berlin (see This was so successful that she was invited to speak at a related conference in Poland in 2025 (Huge Congratulations!)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anita Weidmann also travelled to Krakow. As a member of the ESCP Research Committee she had several duties to fulfill and was honored to present a very well received plenary on delirium in dementia.
In the meantime PhD student Mag.pharm Jasmin Stoll received a prize for the best oral presentation at the FIP Summer Symposium of the Pharmacy Practice Research Special Interest Group []. This shows the relevance and importance of our work on an international stage.
November saw our first participation on the European Delirium Association Conference in The Hague (6.-8.11.) where we were lucky to be selected for a poster presentation.
Huge success for our PhD Student Mag. Pharm Danielle Hochhold who had her first research paper entitled “Identification, classification, and documentation of drug relocated problems in community pharmacy practice: A scoping review” accepted for publication by the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. The entire team (prof. Dr. Derel Stewart & Prof. Dr. Lotte Sig Nørgaard) is very proud.
On Monday the 11th November we had the pleasure of welcoming our two new ERASMUS+ students. Jóhanna Lan and Kristín Brynjarsdóttir, from the Univeristy of Iceland, will be spending the next 6 months in our department to conduct their final year research projects looking at different aspects of medication-induced delirium. Of course we are also treating them to the sights and sounds of Tirol.
Our MSc Pharmacy students have been treated to a full day of communication skills Coursework which was noisy, fun and challenged them in new ways to sharpen their understanding of how important communication skills are for patient safety and their future job as pharmacists.
Another huge success came in the form of PhD student Mr. Aqeel Aslam who was successful in securing a very competitive doctoral scholarship from the University of Innsbruck. He received this in an official honours ceremony on the 18.11. where he gave a brief presentation of his project in German (Well done, Aqeel!!)
To further cement our expertise in AI in academic writing Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anita Weidmann was asked to present at the University wide “Semestergespräche” on the topic of “Use of AI in academic writing and final year research projects”-
Another publication success for our Post-doc Ivana Tadić. Her paper entitled Best possible medication history (BPMH) conducted by pharmacy students in the hospital setting: A scoping review, was accepted for publication.
As a special treat, there was a reunion of old pharmacy colleagues and friends from the University of Iceland – Dr. Freyja Jónsdottir & Dr. Pétur Sigurður Gunnarsson-
December saw the return of our valued colleague and friend Helen Vosper, who treated our students to a very enthralling coursework on human factors and patient safety. She also rediscovered cycling after many decades of slumbering talent.
Of course, our Christmas party was a highlight in the social events calendar. This time we challenged each other to a couple of fun games of Laser Tag. Rambo, Lara Croft and Roadrunner all made an appearance. What fun!!!
We weren’t quite finished accomplishing yet, though. Huge congratulations go to PhD Students Dr. Dorothee Michel, from Hamburg, who successfully defended her PhD Thesis entitled “Implementation of medication reviews in German community pharmacies”. Doro’s work has been hugely influential in helping to shape the new legislation and practice around remuneration and implementation of medication reviews in German community pharmacies. [1]. A huge thank you to our international colleagues Dr. Antonella Tonna (Robert Gordon University) and Dr. Dorothee Dartsch, Campus Pharmazie) for the incredible teamwork.
Just before the university doors closed, we hosted the first Christmas lecture for the Institute of Pharmacy on the topic of pharmacy and sustainability. The artwork by Santas little helpers uncovered brand new talents within the team. We all enjoyed the warm drinks and Christmas cookies afterwards.
Last but by no means least, we also had some more publication success.
- Weidmann AE. Book Review: J. Jimmy, A.R. Cox, V. Paudyal (eds): Principles and Practice of Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety, Springer International Publishing, 2024. ISBN 978-3-031-51088-5 and ISBN 978-3-031-51089-2 [eBook]. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2024.
- Weidmann AE, Proppe GB, Matthiasdottir R, Tadic I, Sigurdur G, Jonsdottir F. 2024. Medication-induced delirium in patients with and without dementia: A Systematic review of published neurology guidelines International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.
What a year it has been, and that’s even without mentioning other incredibly fun initiatives like the joint discussion evenings for Pharamcy students and those completing their pre-reg training hosted by us and the Pharamcy Chamber in Tirol AND the interprofessional peer teaching initiative Cases4You between Medical and Pharmacy students. Next year promises to be just as exciting, with many firsts, congresses, and team activities lined up to help drive patient safety and clinical pharmacy forward. Watch this space!! Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and a great start into 2025. – Your Clinical Pharmacy Team at UIBK-
[1]. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2021.07.017, doi: 10.1007/s11096-022-01524-2, doi: 10.1007/s11096-024-01708-y