Department Publications (since 2021)

Staff of the department publish regularly and often as a result of collaborations with local and international research partners.
Original studies
  1. Steindl-Schönhuber T, Drechsel T, Gittler G, Weidmann AE. Experiences, views and attitudes of nursing staff towards the implementation of a unit dose dispensing system for inpatients: A qualitative interview study. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy.17(100566), (2025).
  2. Stoll, JT., Böhmdorfer-McNair, B., Jeske M., Weidmann AE. Development and validation of a national clinical pharmacy competency framework for hospital pharmacists in Austria: a multi-method study.  International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024.
  3. Michel D, Tonna A, Dartsch D, Weidmann AE. Implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacy: reaching consensus on stakeholders’ recommendations for mechanisms of change using the nominal group technique. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024. 46:714-726.
  4. Michel D, Tonna A, Dartsch D, Weidmann AE, 2022. “Just a romantic idea” – Beliefs, experiences and perceptions of community pharmacy owners with medication reviews: a qualitative study using the FISpH. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.
  5. Weidmann AE, Deibl S, Hoppel M, 2022. “It is the future. Clinical pharmaceutical care simply has to be a matter of course.” - Community pharmacy clinical service providers’ and service developers’ views on complex implementation factors. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. In Press:
  6. Lindner, N., Riesenhuber, M., Müller-Uri, T., Weidmann AE, 2022. The role of the Austrian Community Pharmacist in Immunisation: A National Survey. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 44:409-417
  7. Brincat A, Vella Bonanno P.V., Stewart D, Weidmann AE, 2021. Patients’ experiences on initiation of antineoplastic medicines for the treatment of colorectal cancer: an interpretative phenomenological study. BMJ Open. 11:e047749. 
  8. Earle-Payne K, Forsyth P, Johnson CF, Harrison H, Love S, Weidman AE, 2021. General practice clinical pharmacist standards of practice for polypharmacy or chronic disease medication reviews: A consensus study. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 44(3):663-672.  – Best paper 2022 award
  9. Brincat, A., Vella Bonanno P., Stewart, D., Weidmann, AE, 2021. Patients’ misconceptions following initiation of antineopplastic treatment for colorectal cancer. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacists. 
  10. Weidmann AE, Guðbjörnsdóttir U.K, Gunnarson P.S., Gunnarsdóttir A.I., Jónsdóttir F, 2021. Icelandic community pharmacists’ expectations of future role extensions and training requirements. Pharmacy Education. 21(1):83-91. 
Systematic Literature  & Scoping Reviews
  1. Weidmann AE, Proppe GB, Matthiasdottir R, Tadic I, Sigurdur G, Jonsdottir F. 2024. Medication-induced delirium in patients with and without dementia: A Systematic review of published neurology guidelines International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. https//
  2. Hochhold, D., Stewart, D., Sig Nørgaard, L., Weidmann, AE. Identification, classification, and documentation of drug relocated problems in community pharmacy practice: A scoping review. Int J Clin Pharm. 2025 Jan 8.
  3. Tadić I, Schintler J, Weidmann AE, 2024. Best possible medication history (BPMH) conducted by pharmacy students in the hospital setting: A scoping review. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. Manuscript in preparation. Accepted for publication.
  4. Stoll, JT, Böhmdorfer-McNair, B, Weidmann AE. Hospital Pharmacy Service at transition of care points: a Scoping Review. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacists. 2024
  5. Nazar Z; Mohammad Naseralallah L; Stewart D; Paudyal V; Weidmann AE., 2024. The use of behavioural theories, models, and frameworks in pharmacy practice research: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024;46:559-573. 
  6. Paudyal V; Steward D; Okuyan B; Hazen, A.; Wirth F.; Lutters M.; Cadogan C; Fialová D., Weidmann AE.; Henman M.C., 2023. Scope, content and quality of clinical pharmacy practice guidelines: a systematic review. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 
  7. Weidmann AE, Sonnleitner-Heglmeier A, Dartsch D, 2023. Effect of patient education videos on modifying medication related health behaviours: a systematic review using the behaviour change wheel. Pharmacy Education and Counselling.
  8. Michel D, Tonna A, Dartsch D, Weidmann AE, 2021. Experience with the implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacies: A systematic review using the consolidated framework for implementation research. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 18(6):2944-2961.
Registered Protocols
  1. Weidmann AE, Ágústsdóttir I, Jónsdóttir F, 2024. The gut microbiota in medication related delirium: A systematic review. PROSPERO, 2024. CRD42024601841. 
  2. Weidmann, AE., Óskarsdóttir Þ., Jónsdóttir F. Medication induced delirium in children: A Systematic Review. PROSPERO, 2024. CRD42024598459
  3. Aslam, A., Tadić I., Hughes C., Jónsdóttir F., Weidmann AE. Medication associated with delirium superimposed on dementia (DSD): a systematic review. PROSPERO 2024. 
  4. Weidmann AE, Jónsdóttir F, Gunnarsson PS, 2023. Per-operative Medication induced Delirium: A systematic review. PROSPERO CRD42023443708
  5. Weidmann AE, Jónsdóttir F, Gunnarsson PS, 2023. Guidelines on how to prevent and manage peri-operative medication induced Delirium: A systematic review. PROSPERO CRD42023442726
  6. Weidmann AE, Stover Hielscher KR, Paudyal V, 2022. Current guidelines and practices on prescribing and deprescribing for patients on long-term antibiotics treatment: A systematic review. PROSPERO CRD42022381268
  7. Weidmann AE, Jónsdóttir F, Gunnarsson PS, 2022. Guidelines on how to prevent medication induced Delirium in Dementia patients: A systematic review. PROSPERO CRD42022366025
  8. Weidmann AE, Jónsdóttir F, Gunnarsson PS, 2022. Medication induced Delirium in Dementia patients: A systematic review. PROSPERO CRD42022366020
  9. Stoll, JT, Böhmdorfer-McNair, B, Weidmann AE, 2022. Competencies and strategic aims of hospital pharmacists to reduce the occurrence of avoidable patient harm – a systematic review. PROSPERO CRD42022323461
Other Publications -  scientific
  1. Alves da Costa, F., Fernandez-Llimos, F., Desselle, S., Arnet, I., Babar, Z., Bond, C., Cordina, M., Garcia Cardenas, V., El Hajj, MS., Jacobsen, R., Law, AV., Nørgaards, LS., Polidori, C., Scherbakova, N., Stewart, D., Tonin, F., Weidmann, AE. The International Collaboration of Pharmacy Journal Editors (ICPJE) formally constituted to foster quality around clinical and social pharmacy practice research publications*. Int J Clin Pharm 47, 4–7 (2025). 
  2. Weidmann AE. Book Review: J Jimmy, A.R. Cox, V. Paudyal (eds): Principles and Practice of Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Springer International Publishing, 2024. ISBN 978-3-031-51088-5 and ISBN 978-3-031-51089-2 [eBook]. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2024.
  3. Weidmann AE, Watson EW. Novel opportunities for clinical pharmacy research: Development of a machine learning model to identify medication related causes of delirium in different patient groups. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024. 46:992-995. 
  4. Weidmann AE. Artificial intelligence in academic writing and clinical pharmacy education: consequences and opportunities. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024; 46:751-754.
  5. Wirth F; Paudyal V; Steward D; Okuyan B; Hazen, A.; Lutters M.; Cadogan C; Fialová D., Weidmann AE.; Henman M.C., 2023. Writing a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal: Guidance from the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 46, 548–554 (2024)
  6. Weidmann AE, Cadogan CA, Stewart D, European Society of Clinical Pharmacy, 2023. How to write a successful grant application. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.
Other Publications – non-scientific
  1. Dartsch D, Weidmann AE. 2024. Vermittlung von AMTS-Kompetenzen: Wissen, Tun und Können. Pharmakon. 2024, Ausgabe 5/24. 
  2. Hoti, K., Weidmann AE. Encouraging dissemination of research on the use of artificial intelligence and related innovative technologies in clinical pharmacy practice and education: call for papers. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024. 46:777-779.
  3. Michel, DE, Tonna, AP, Weidmann, AE, Dartsch, DC, 2021. Medikationsanalyse einführen, aber wie? Stellschrauben für eine erfolgreiche Implementierung. Deutsche Apothekerzeitung, 21, pp.1934-1937 
  4. Michel, DE, Weidmann, AE, Dartsch DC, 2023, Medikationsanalyse: Nur eine romantische Idee? Was Apothekeninhaber über die neue pharmazeutische Dienstleistung denken. Deutsche Apothekerzeitung, 7, pp.2400-2401
Keynote presentations
  1. 2025 Keynote speaker, Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE); Application of behavioural theories, models, and frameworks in pharmacy practice research. Innsbruck (Austria)
  2. 2024 Keynote speaker, European Society of Clinical Pharmacy, Dementia/Delirium care: Implementing and scaling sustainable clinical pharmacy practice. Krakow (Poland)
  3. 2021 Keynote speaker, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Pharma-Plattform, Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit – Alte Herausforderungen, neue Wege. Online (Austria)


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