Department Research

Professor Weidmann led the establishment of the Clinical Pharmacy department in 2021. From its start, the department has engaged in research that has contributed to the growing body of knowledge in pharmacy practice, patient care, and medication use.

Department members have engaged in collaborations with the global partners, which has resulted in systematic reviews, original studies, and guidelines on important healthcare topics.

Our target research areas are community pharmacies, competency frameworks, and behaviour change interventions. The department's efforts to enhance pharmacy education and practice are evident in the formulation of a national clinical pharmacy competency framework for pharmacy practitioners in Austrian hospitals, a highlight of our work. We have paralleled this work with numerous conference presentations, keynote addresses, and PhD supervision, thereby preparing the future practitioners.

The department has developed a focus on topics surrounding medication-induced delirium and its prevention and management in vulnerable populations. Renowned journals such as the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Brain and Behaviour feature the research. Small research groups in the department have also done early work in applied artificial intelligence, particularly in addressing medication issues through user-accessible AI pipelines.

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