Head of project and contact
Advisory Board
- Wolfgang Meixner (University of Innsbruck, contemporary history)
- Silke Meyer (University of Innsbruck, ethnology)
- Dirk Rupnow (University of Innsbruck, contemporary history)
- Ulrike Tanzer (University of Innsbruck, literature)
- Pascal Trees (Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich)
- Ewa Wiatr (University of Lodz, contemporary history)
- Pia Andreatta (University of Innsbruck, trauma and conflict research)
- Bernadetta Czapska (independent researcher, cultural studies)
Celia Di Pauli (University of Innsbruck, architecture)
- Markus Ender (University of Innsbruck, literary history)
- Nikolaus Hagen (University of Innsbruck, contemporary history)
- Gernot Howanitz (University of Innsbruck, Slavic languages)
Grzegorz Jakubowicz (University of Innsbruck, architecture)
- Rudolf Leo (Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes)
- Hermann Mitterhofer (University of Innsbruck, trauma and conflict research)
- Günter Mühlberger (University of Innsbruck, digital humanities)
- Sabine Pitscheider (University of Innsbruck, contemporary history)
- Juliane Prade-Weiss (LMU München, comparative literature)
- Ulla Ratheiser (University of Innsbruck, English literatures and cultures)
- Paweł Rodak (University of Warsaw, literary history)
- Christoph Singer (University of Innsbruck, anglophone cultural studies)
- Paul Csillag
Student assistants
- Patrizia Kössler
- Jakob Schoch
- Susanne Costa
- Izabela Janssen-Wnorowska
- Andrea Roitner
- Birgit Salzmann
- Joanna Ziemska
Graphic Novel
- Alwin Hecher (artstation.com)
Former Team Members
- Pascal Dec
- Maximilian Gröber
- Johannes Härting
Citizen Scientists
- Peter Hellensteiner (executive history)
- Alexander Legniti (Stadt Innsbruck, Referat Friedhöfe, Referatsleiter)
- Erich Schreder (contemporary history)
- Maryla Sprenger (Polish texts)
- Harald Stockhammer (executive and legal history)
- Anton Walder (executive history)