News and Updates
Visiting Fellow at Harvard University
The year 2025 has been off to a great start. After the Academy of Management Annual Meeting deadline at the 7th of January - to which our project team members submitted an impressive number of 4 papers in total - Thomas Ortner has started another research visit in the course of his PhD. This time he is joining the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in Boston, MA. His visit is sponsored by Harvard Business School (HBS) Professor Frank Nagle. Today, marks semester start and Thomas will stay until the end of Spring Semester (end of May). During his stay he is continuing his ongoing research projects and will participate in courses and HBS seminars during which he aims at improving his theoretical and methodological skillset as well as receiving feedback on his ongoing works.
Visitor and Guest Talk Gary Hamel
This week we had the pleasure to welcome Gary Hamel at our Faculty of Business at the University of Innsbruck. Gary is one of our collaboration partners and is considered one of the most influential management thinkers of our time. With his previous works on "strategic intenet" and "core competences" Gary has shaped the management research landscape. This week our faculty and our students had the opportunity to listen to his thoughts on management research and to a Keyonote on "Humanocracy: How to Build an Organization That’s Fit for the Future“. Gary Hamel's visit was also a great opportunity to invite our company project partners that joined us for a great exchange and discussion about their current challenges.
More information and impressions on his talk can be found here:
Research visit at University of Bamberg
Our Project Team member and PhD student Thomas Ortner is currently visiting project partners Prof. Martin Friesl and Christoph Brielmaier at the University of Bamberg. Thomas is staying for two weeks in which they work on joint projects. Specifically, they are currently further developing the paper "Sitting in a Glasshouse? Employees' Social Experiences of Organizational Transparency" that has been presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago (a short version is accessible at: Furthermore, they are working on ideas for new projects. Beyond the work on projects, Thomas uses the time in Bamberg to have research and data collection visits at companies in the area and apart from his research activities, Thomas is enjoying the culture and culinary offerings of the city of Bamberg.
We want to thank the Unviersity of Bamberg and especially Martin Friesl, Christoph Brielmaier and the Team of the chair of Strategy and Organization for the warm welcome and great support! Additionally, special thanks to the EXCHANGE program of the University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Business who funded this short research visit.
Strategic Management Society Annual Conference in Istanbul
The team is just back from the Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society in Istanbul. Great news have to be shared! Julia Hautz presented the paper “Creating commitment? Investigating effects of employee inclusion in open strategizing.” together with Thomas Ortner and Kristina Stoiber. The paper has won the "Best PhD Paper" Award in the strategy practice interest group. Apart from that Thomas Ortner has as well won one of the "Best Reviewer" Awards at this years SMS. We are happy about this great achievement of our team members and also want to congratulate all other nominees for their outstanding contributions!
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