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Mariology at the intersection between Anthropology, Christology, and Ecclesiology

As analysed in the theologies of Karl Rahner and Joseph Ratzinger

Querying with the help of two theological giants how Mariology, the theological study of Mary, intersects with important theological disciplines.

Mary at intersection

Research concerns

Mariology, the theological study of Mary the Mother of Jesus, intersects with various theological disciplines such as Anthropology (including aspects of Eschatology), Christology and Ecclesiology. Often, the most recent Marian dogmas (Immaculate conception and Assumption of Mary) are seen as a dividing factor between Christians, as they are not universally accepted by all denominations. For many non-Catholic Christians, these doctrines are seen as lacking biblical support and therefore are controversial. The Second Vatican Council was concerned about ecumenical dialogue but at the same time upheld Catholic teaching, also about Marian dogmas, since these have come from a long theological tradition and therefore have a lot to offer to the Christians. With the help of Ratzinger’s and Rahner’s theologies, a new deep reflection of them can be brought about. Though there are differences in their theological approaches – Ratzinger even explained that they came from “different theological planets” (Joseph Ratzinger, Milestones: Memoirs, 1927-1977 (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1998), 128.) – both Ratzinger and Rahner have dealt with these doctrines. By bringing their approaches in dialogue, we hope to gain new insights about the significance and relevance of Mariology.

Research questions

  • What are the Mariological reflections of Ratzinger and Rahner?

  • What implications do the teachings of Mary have for our understanding of humanity, God, Christ and the Church – and vice versa?

  • What can we gain from confronting the two theologians’ interpretations of Mariological dogmas with one another?

Research method

A thorough study and analysis of the Marian dogmas’ content and meaning and the interpretations given to them by the two referenced theologians, with a special view on possible differences in emphasis and explanation will be done. Then, the two theologians’ interpretations shall be brought into a dramatic dialogue. From this it is hoped that a deeper understanding of the doctrines’ significance for the mentioned field of Christology, Anthropology (esp. its eschatological dimension) and Ecclesiology is gained.


Hangler, Rainer, Juble, Tochter Zion: zur Mariologie von Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger-Studien 9, Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 2016.

Matuschek, Dominik. Konkrete Dogmatik: Die Mariologie Karl Rahners. Innsbrucker Theologische Studien 87. Innsbruck: Tyrolia- Verlag, 2012.

Rahner, Karl. Maria, Mutter des Herrn: Mariologische Studien, bearb. von Regina Pacis Meyer, Band 9 der Sämtliche Werke. Freiburg i.Br.: Herder. 2004.

Rahner, Karl. Der Mensch in der Schöpfung, bearb. von Karl-Heinz Neufeld, Band 8 der Sämtliche Werke. Freiburg i.Br., Herder 1998.

Ratzinger, Joseph. Herkunft und Bestimmung, Band 5 der Gesammelte Schriften. Freiburg i.Br.: Herder. 2021.

Ratzinger, Joseph. Auferstehung und Ewiges Leben, Band 10 der Gesammelte Schriften. Freiburg i.Br.: Herder. 2012.


Assoz.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Wandinger
Department of Systematic Theology

Doctoral candidate

Maria Joseph Philip Joseph

PHILIP JOSEPH Maria Joseph  Philip.Maria-Joseph@student.uibk.ac.at
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