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Emphasizing Human Dignity through the Eucharist

The objective of this research is to deepen an understanding of how the Eucharist, as a central sacrament of the Catholic faith, can serve as a source of inspiration and empowerment for promoting human dignity and social justice in accordance with the teachings of Pope Francis and the broader Catholic tradition.

Examining the relationship between human dignity and the Eucharist in central documents of Vatican II through the lens of Pope Francis, in the Indian context.

The importance of this research rests in its capacity to stimulate theological contemplation, guide pastoral care, and ignite societal change within the Indian context in accordance with the gospel directives of justice, love, humility, and solidarity.
This research aspires to foster a comprehensive approach to religion and social action within the Church and the larger community, which attempts to close the gap between theoretical understanding and active participation in the world.

Research Questions

• How can a Eucharistic disposition within the Church and among Christian believers be understood and created? How does this theological understanding of the Eucharist influence attitudes and actions towards marginalized or vulnerable populations, and what implications does this have for upholding human dignity?
• In what ways do the principles articulated in Lumen Gentium, Dignitatis Humanae, and Gaudium et Spes intersect with the pastoral priorities and social teachings of Pope Francis, particularly regarding issues of social justice, solidarity and care for the marginalized, within the diverse cultural and religious landscape of India?
• And consequently, how do these intersections shape the understanding and practice of the Eucharist as a means of upholding and promoting human dignity in contemporary Indian society?

Methodology of the Research

Within the realm of dogmatic theology, a systematic theological approach will be employed to investigate the research questions, which would involve identifying key themes, doctrinal developments, and pastoral implications outlined in these documents. Similarly, Pope Francis’ encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and speeches for relevant themes will be analysed.
The findings will be synthesized from historical theology, magisterial documents analysis and comparative theology to construct a coherent theological framework. This framework will explain how the Eucharist, as understood within Catholic dogma, relates to human dignity and social justice concerns, particularly in the light of Pope Francis’ teachings in an Indian Context.
The practical implications of the theological insights gained through this systematic approach will be explored, that is how to enhance and develop pastoral practices, liturgical celebrations, and social outreach initiatives within the Church.

Church Documents

Dignitatis Humanae, Declaration on Religious Freedom, Vatican II Document, 1965.
Gaudium et Spes, The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Vatican II Document, 1965.
Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Vatican II Document, 1965.


Kasper, Walter. Barmherzigkeit: Grundbegriffe des Evangeliums - Schlüssel christlichen Lebens, Freiburg i.Br.: Verlag Herder, 2014.
Messner, Reinhard. Die Messreform Martin Luthers und die Eucharistie der Alten Kirche: Ein Beitrag zu einer systematischen Liturgiewissenschaft. Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag, 1989.
Ratzinger, Joseph. Der Geist der Liturgie, Eine Einführung, Freiburg i.Br.: Verlag Herder, 2000.
Supervisor: Univ. -Prof. i. R. Dr. Roman Anton Siebenrock - Department of Systematic Theology
Candidate: Linus Kaitan Dabre
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