Collective work/Sammelband

Lavric, Eva / Pisek, Gerhard / Skinner, Andrew / Stadler, Wolfgang (eds.) (2008): The Linguistics of Football (Language in Performance 38), Tübingen: Gunter Narr

Cover        TOC         Flyer      Book Reviews / Rezensionen (Cover, Contents, Introduction, Article about Kicktionary) (Cover, Contents, Introduction, Football-and-Language-Bibliography)


Our own contributions in this collective work/Eigene Artikel in diesem Sammelband

Lavric, Eva: Introduction, in: Eva Lavric / Gerhard Pisek / Andrew Skinner / Wolfgang Stadler (eds.): The Linguistics of Football (Language in Performance 38), Tübingen: Gunter Narr (2008), 5-8 Intro_pdf

Lavric, Eva / Pisek, Gerhard / Skinner, Andrew / Stadler, Wolfgang / Giorgianni, Erika: "Zidane, Zidane, What Have You Done?" – Emotions on TV in Six Languages, in: Eva Lavric / Gerhard Pisek / Andrew Skinner / Wolfgang Stadler (eds.): The Linguistics of Football (Language in Performance 38), Tübingen: Gunter Narr (2008), 359-372 Zidane_pdf

Giera, Irene / Giorgianni, Erika / Lavric, Eva / Pisek, Gerhard / Skin­ner, Andrew / Stadler  Wolfgang: The Globalized Football Team: A Research Project on Multilingual Communication, in: Eva Lavric / Gerhard Pisek / Andrew Skinner / Wolfgang Stadler (eds.): The Linguistics of Football (Language in Performance 38), Tübingen: Gunter Narr (2008), 375-390 Global_pdf

The Innsbruck Football Research Group: The Football and Language Bibliography, in: Eva Lavric / Gerhard Pisek / Andrew Skinner / Wolfgang Stadler (eds.): The Linguistics of Football (Lan­guage in Performance 38), Tübingen: Gunter Narr (2008), 399-418



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