Robert Schimpf

Robert Schimpf, BSc MSc
Research Assistant


Robert joined the chair of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in winter semester 2014. As PhD-candidate his research focuses onopen innovation, crowd-sourcing, co-creation and online communities. The underlying dynamics and interaction behaviours of users of these online communities are of his special interest. Robert further looks at new user cases of crowd-sourcing as for example the collaborative development of future regional strategies and entrepreneurial ecosystems.

For the latter mentioned project data is derived from the initiative “Die Zukunft Tirols”, where Robert was Team Leader. Within a period of eight weeks, users could post ideas about their expectation of the future of Tyrol. In combination with numerous interviews with visionary Tyroleans, a strategy paper was formulated and presented in 2015.

After his Bachelor degrees in Business Administration at the University of Regensburg and an international semester at the Audencia Business School, Nantes, France he joined the master program Strategic Management at the University of Innsbruck.

Method direction: Mixed methods

Theory direction: Crowdsourcing, Co-creation, Open Innovation, Online Communities


Publications of Robert Schimpf

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