I graduated in home economics at the Institute for Pedagogical Studies in Innsbruck and in Business Management at the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck. After a two-year project for the Austrian Chamber of Commerce I was working and lecturing at the former Department of Marketing and Retailing before I finished my doctorate in 1997. In 2000 I was granted a Marie-Curie fellowship from the European Commission and spent a year at the department of Marketing at Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. After finishing my Habilitation thesis in 2006 I was visiting researcher at the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto, Kanada and visiting professor at the Ecole Supérieur des Economiques et Commerciales, Paris, France. I am guest professor at the Université Paris-Dauphine in Paris, and guest lecturer at the International Luxury MBA at the ESSEC business school, since 2008.
From May 2010 to December 2020 I was speaker of the interdisciplinary research platform Organizations & Society at the University of Innsbruck; since April 2011 Professor of Branding at the Department of Strategic Management & Marketing, and academic director of the Brand Research Laboratory Brand Lab at the University of Innsbruck. I served as Head of the Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism from January 2016 to December 2020. In January 2021, I was elected speaker and member of the managing team of the new interdisciplinary Research Area EPoS - Ecomomy, Politics & Society.
Area of Research:
My research revolves around Branding; Brands as Social Representations and Social Mediations; Sustainable Branding; Visual Brand Representation on Social Media; Digital Brand Assemblages; Luxury Experiences; Consumer Deceleration and Mindfulness; Consumers' Pursuit of Being Different (Anders-sein); Charismatic Brand Leadership;Tensions and Change in the Free Software and the Open Source field; Brand Legitimization; Traditional Alpfoodways as Intangible Cultural Heritage, among other fields of research.
Riehle Ramona, Verena Wieser and Andrea Hemetsberger (2023), “”We truly love what we do”: The tribal consumer inside genuinely passionate service employees,” Journal of Service Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/10946705231204
Klingler, Michael, Markus Schermer, Andrea Hemetsberger, Rike Stotten, Clemens Maaß (2023), “Disentangling the sociomaterial assemblage of culinary heritagization: the Wildschönauer Krautinger schnapps.” Journal of Rural Studies, 103, 103125. DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2023.103125
Schwarz, Sarah, Christiane Aufschnaiter and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “Social Linking Practices in Physical Distance: The Material Constitution of Sociality,” Marketing Theory, DOI: 10.1177/14705931221137732
Ugne Greivyte and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “In Limbo: Liminality Narratives of Young Adults Returning to the Family Home,” NA Advances in Consumer Research Volume 45, eds., Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Denver, 2022.
Hemetsberger, Andrea, Maria Kreuzer and Hans Mühlbacher (2022), “Co-creation or Co-destruction? Value-based Brand Formation,” in Stefan Markovic, Richard Gyrd-Jones, Sylvia von Wallpach and Adam Lindgreen (eds.) Research Handbook on Brand Co-creation: Theory, practice, and ethical implications, Edward Elgar, pp. 92-106.
Von Wallpach, Sylvia and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “Brands in Action: Understanding corporate branding dynamics from an Action Net Perspective,” in Iglesias Oriol, Nicholas Ind and Majken Schultz (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding
Schöps, Jonathan, Christian Reinhardt and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “Sticky market webs of connection – human and non-human market co-codification dynamics across social media,” European Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.
Aufschnaiter, Christiane, Schwarz, Sarah and Andrea Hemetsberger (2021), “Anchors on the Move: Digital Nomads’ Solid Footholds in Liquidity,” NA Advances of Consumer Research.
Wieser, Verena E., Marius K. Lüdicke and Andrea Hemetsberger (2021), “Charismatic Entrainment: How Brand Leaders and Consumers Co-Create Charismatic Authority in the Marketplace,” Journal of Consumer Research, 48 (4), 731-751.https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucab035 (see also our JCR blog entry at: https://consumerresearcher.com/charisma)
Schwarz, Sarah and Andrea Hemetsberger (2020), “A Luxury Moment to Go, Please – Toward a Paradoxical View of Luxuriousness Among Cosmopolites,” NA Advances of Consumer Research, Paris online conference, 2020.
Von Wallpach, Sylvia, Andrea Hemetsberger, Thyra U. Thomsen and Russel W. Belk (2020), “Moments of Luxury – A Phenomenological View of the Essence of Luxury Experience,” Journal of Business Research, 116, 491-502.
Schöps, Jonathan, Stephanie Kogler and Andrea Hemetsberger (2020). “(De-)stabilizing the digitized fashion market on Instagram–dynamics of visual performative assemblages,” Consumption, Markets & Culture, 23 (2), 195-213.
Verena E. Wieser, Andrea Hemetsberger and Marius K. Lüdicke (2019), “Protest Rhetoric’s Appeal: How Moral Entrepreneurs Recruit the Media into Moral Struggles,” in Simone Schiller-Merkens and Philip Balsinger (eds.) The Contested Morality of Markets, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Chapter 8, 151–166.
Hemetsberger, Andrea, Maria Kreuzer and Melanie Klien (2019), “From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Experiencing Spirituality via Body Transformation,” special issue on ‘Consuming the Spiritual’, Journal of Marketing Management, 35(5-6), 540-564.
Ladstätter, Florian, Andreas Plank and Andrea Hemetsberger (2018), “The Merits and Limits of Making Do: Bricolage and Breakdowns in a Social Enterprise,” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 30 (3-4), 283–309.
Jonathan Schöps, Philipp K. Wegerer and Andrea Hemetsberger (2017), “Brand-mediated Ideological Edgework: Negotiating the Aestheticized Human Body on Instagram - The Case of American Apparel,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research 45.
Von Wallpach, Sylvia, Andrea Hemetsberger and Peter Espersen (2017), “Performing identities: Processes of brand and stakeholder identity co-construction,” Journal of Business Research, 70, 443–452.
Sabrina Gabl, Verena Wieser and Andrea Hemetsberger (2016), “Public Brand Auditing: A Pathway to Brand Accountability,” in Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse , Diego Rinallo , Russell W. Belk (ed.) Consumer Culture Theory (Research in Consumer Behavior, Volume 18) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 147 – 167. (Literati Award 2017)
Andrea Hemetsberger, Sylvia von Wallpach and Martina Bauer (2015), “Women in Transition - consumption narratives of first-time motherhood,” NA-Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.43, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.
Gabl, Sabrina, Stöckl, Verena and Andrea Hemetsberger. (2013) “The Two Sides of the Gold Medal: Paradoxes of The Olympic Experience,” NA-Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.41, eds. Simona Botti and Aparna Labroo, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.
Hemetsberger, Andrea (2013), “Crowdsourcing,” In: Russell W. Belk and Rosa Llamas (eds.), The Digital Consumer, New York: Routledge Companion Series, 159-170.
Hemetsberger, Andrea, Bauer, Martina, von Wallpach, Sylvia and Katrin Broger (2012), “’On transit’ – Changes in Consumer-Brand Relationships During Transition from Student to Professional Life, Marketing Journal of Research and Management, Vol.35 (1), 40-49.
Andrea Hemetsberger, Sylvia von Wallpach and Martina Bauer (2012), “Because I’m Worth It – Luxury and the Construction of Consumers’ Selves,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40.
Gabl, Sabrina and Andrea Hemetsberger (2012), “Collective Authentication,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40.
Hemetsberger, Andrea and Ralf Weinberger (2012), “In Pursuit of Being Different,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40.
Bauer, Martina, Sylvia von Wallpach and Andrea Hemetsberger (2011), “ ‘My little luxury’ – a consumer-centered, experiential view, ” Marketing Journal of Research and Management, 38/1, 57-66.
Roland Schroll, Andrea Hemetsberger, and Johann Füller. (2011), “Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds - Community Brands and Branded Communities,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 38.
Ralf Weinberger and Andrea Hemetsberger (2011), “Men, Bags, and the City – Male’s Adoption of Non-Traditional Gender Aesthetics,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 38.
Hemetsberger, Andrea and Christian Reinhardt (2009), "Collective Development in Open-Source Communities: An Activity Theoretical Perspective on Successful Online Collaboration," Organization Studies, Vol. 30, 9, 987-1008.
Kozinets, Robert V., Andrea Hemetsberger and Hope J. Schau (2008), "The Wisdom of Consumer Crowds: Collective Innovation in the Age of Networked Marketing," Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 28, 4, 339-354.