Thomas Ortner, MSc

- Open Strategy
- Transparency
- Organizational boundaries and boundary work
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Ortner, T., Hautz, J., Stadler, C. & Matzler, K. (2024). Open Strategy and Digital Transformation: A Framework and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 1-22.
Stadler, C., Hautz, J., & Ortner, T. (2024) Open Strategy and the Multinational Firm. Multinational Business Review, 32 (4), 443-462.
Dobusch, L., Hautz, J., & Ortner, T. (2024). Open Strategy as a new form of strategizing. In D. Golsorkhi, L. Rouleau, D. Seidl & E. Vaara (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Strategy-as-Practice. Cambridge University Press.
Brielmaier, C., Ortner, T., Friesl, M. & Hautz, J. (2024) Sitting in a Glasshouse? Employees' Social Experiences of Organizational Transparency. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Zur gesamten Liste der Publikationen und Konferenzbeiträge
Preise und Stipendien
2024: Strategic Management Society “Best PhD Paper Award” Strategy Practice IG. For “Creating commitment? Investigating effects of employee inclusion in open strategizing.” together with Kristina Stoiber & Julia Hautz
2024: Strategic Management Society “Best Reviewer Award” Strategy Practice IG.
2024: SMS Doctoral Workshop Scholarship for the Attendance at the SMS Annual Conference 2024, Istanbul
2024: AOM DIG SAP Interest Group Scholarship for the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago
2022: Long Range Planning (LRP) Best Paper Prize for Advances in Strategy-as- Practice Research at British Academy of Management. For “How does Open Strategy affect strategy implementation efforts?” together with Julia Hautz
Arbeits- und Projekterfahrung
Seit 2016: Bergisel BetriebgesellschaftmbH
2021 – 2022: InnCubator
2019: media content services mcs GmbH
2019: Ski Austria
2016 – 2018: ewoxx Sports GmbH
2013 – 2016: Ski Austria
2024: Visiting Scholar, University of Bamberg, Chair of Strategy and Organization – Prof. Martin Friesl
Seit 10/2021: PhD Studium Management, Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck
Dissertation: „Open Strategy and its implementation consequences“
Advisors: Prof. Julia Hautz (University of Innsbruck), Prof. Christian Stadler (Warwick Business School) -
2019 – 2021: Masterstudium Strategisches Management, Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck
2015 – 2019: Bachelorstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck