Publications and Invited Presentations 


  • Weicht, B (2015), The Meaning of Care: The social construction of care for elderly people, Palgrave Macmillan.


Peer reviewed articles

  • Tolhurst, E and Weicht, B (2018), Unyielding selflessness: Relational negotiations, dementia and care, Journal of Aging Studies, Vol. 47, pp. 32-38.
  • Radicioni, S and Weicht, B (2018), A place to transform: creating caring spaces by challenging normativity and identity, Gender, Place & Culture, Vol. 25, (3), 368-383.
  • Tolhurst, Edward &  Weicht, Bernhard (2017), Preserving personhood: The strategies of men negotiating the experience of dementia, Journal of Aging Studies, Vol. 40, pp. 29-35.
  • Tolhurst, Edward; Weicht, Bernhard & Kingston, Paul (2016), Narrative collisions, sociocultural pressures and dementia: the relational basis of personhood, Sociology of Health & Illness, doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.12523.
  • Da Roit, B, Hoogenboom, M and Weicht, B (2015), “The gender informal care gap. A fuzzy set analysis of cross-country variations”, European Societies, 17, (2), pp. 199-218.
  • Da Roit, B and Weicht, B (2013), Migrant Care Work and Care, Migration and Employment Regimes: A Fuzzy-Set Analysis, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 23, (5), pp. 469-486.
  • Weicht, B (2013), The making of ‘the elderly’: Constructing the subject of care, Journal of Aging Studies, Vol. 27, (2), pp. 188-197.
  • Weicht, B (2011), Embracing Dependency: Rethinking (In)dependence in the Discourse of Care, Sociological Review, Vol. 58, s2, pp. 205-224.
  • Weicht, B (2010), Embodying the ideal carer: The Austrian discourse on migrant carers, International Journal for Ageing and Later Life, Vol. 5, (2), pp. 17-52.
  • Peyrefitte, M, Sanders, E and Weicht, B (2010), ENQUIRE– a (self)reflexive journey, European Political Science, Vol. 9, (1), pp. 131-140.
  • Weicht, B (2009), The morality of caring: The discursive construction of informal care, ENQUIRE, (2).


Edited books

  • Weicht, B. and Österle, A. (eds.) (2016), Im Ausland zu Hause pflegen: Die Beschäftigung von MigrantInnen in der 24 Stunden Betreuung, LIT Verlag.
  • Karner, C and Weicht, B (eds.) (2016), The Commonalities of Global Crises: Markets, Communities and Nostalgia, Palgrave Macmillan.


Book chapters

  • Müller Kmet, B and Weicht, B (2019), Relevanz von zentralen Lebensbereichen: Konstanz oder Wandel, in Bacher, J et al. (Hrsg.), Sozialstruktur und Wertewandel in Österreich: Trends 1986-2016, Springer VS, pp. 25-50.
  • Weicht, B (2018), Old and dependent: The construction of a subject position for politics and care, in: Wodak, R and Forchtner, B (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Politics, Routledge, pp. 500-513.
  • Weicht, B (2016), Die einzige Möglichkeit: Die 24-Stunden-Betreuung aus diskursiver Perspektive, in Weicht, B. and Österle, A. (eds.), Im Ausland zu Hause pflegen: Die Beschäftigung von MigrantInnen in der 24 Stunden Betreuung, LIT Verlag, pp. 115-140.
  • Österle, A and Weicht, B (2016), Im Ausland zu Hause pflegen: Ein Überblick, in Weicht, B. and Österle, A. (eds.), Im Ausland zu Hause pflegen: Die Beschäftigung von MigrantInnen in der 24 Stunden Betreuung, LIT Verlag, pp. 11-30.
  • Weicht, B (2016), State, Market, or back to the Family? Nostalgic Struggles for Proper Elder Care, in Karner, C and Weicht, B (eds.) (2016), The Commonalities of Global Crises: Markets, Communities and Nostalgia, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115-142.
  • Karner, C and Weicht, B (2016), Markets, "Communities" and Nostalgia, in Karner, C and Weicht, B (eds.), The Commonalities of Global Crises: Markets, Communities and Nostalgia, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-34.
  • Karner, C and Weicht, B (2016), Epilogue, in Karner, C and Weicht, B (eds.), The Commonalities of Global Crises: Markets, Communities and Nostalgia, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 345-354.
  • Weicht, B (2015), Employment without employers? The public discourse on care during the regularisation reform in Austria, in Triandafyllidou, A. and Marchetti, S. (eds.), Employers, Agencies and Immigration: Paying for Care, Ashgate, pp. 113-132.
  • Weicht, B (2014), Neue Herausforderungen – traditionelle Lösungen: Die 24-Stunden-Betreuung im politischen Diskurs, in Appelt, E, Fleischer, E and Preglau, M (eds.), Elder Care: Intersektionelle Analysen der informellen Betreuung und Pflege alter Menschen in Österreich, Studienverlag Innsbruck, pp. 93-109.


Other publications

  • Luppi M, Oomkens, R, Knijn, T and Weicht, B (2015), Citizenship in the Context of Migrant Care Work: Regimes, Rights and Recognition. FP7 Program BEUCITIZEN Grant Agreement nr. 320294/ SSH 2012.1-1/SOPINS: Utrecht.
  • Tronto, J and Weicht, B (2014), ‘As long as care is attached to gender, there is no justice’, An Interview with Joan C. Tronto, Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, Vol. 17, (3), pp. 259-272.
  • Aartsen, M, Béland, D, Edmondson, R, Ginn, J, Komp, K, Nilsson, M, Perek-Bialas, J, Sorensen, P, and Weicht, B (2012), Ageing in the light of crises: Economic crisis, demographic change, and the search for meaning, Welfare Studies Working Paper Nr. 12. Umea, Department of Sociology, Umea University.
  • Weicht B (2011), Book Review: Johnson, J, Rolph, S and Smith, R: Residential Care Transformed: Revisiting ‘The Last Refuge’, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, International Journal of Ageing & Later Life, Vol. 6, (1), pp. v-viii.
  • Weicht B (2010), Book Review: Edmondson, R and von Kondratowitz, H-J (eds.): Valuing Older People: A humanist approach to ageing, Bristol: Policy Press, 2009, International Journal of Ageing & Later Life, Vol. 5, (1), pp. v-viii.
  • CMO Flevoland (2011), Blik op Flevoland, research report for the Province Flevoland, The Netherlands.
  • CMO Flevoland (2011), Ketenzorg Alcoholproblemen: ketenzorg als integrale, sluitende aanpak binnen Flevoland, research report for the Province Flevoland, The Netherlands.
  • CMO Flevoland (2010), Nazorg Jeugdzorg, research report for the Province Flevoland, The Netherlands.


Invited presentations

  • Keynote: Weicht, B (2016), “State, Market, or back to the Family? Nostalgic Struggles for Proper Elder Care”. Conference: Problems and Visions in Social Care, Peace Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sep 2016.
  • Presentation: Weicht, B (2016), “Billige Schlüsselkräfte? Strategisches und zufälliges Zusammenspiel von Sozial- und Migrationspolitik”. Care-Workshop „Politische Dimensionen von Care“, University of Innsbruck, Austria, April 2016.
  • Response note: ESPAnet Netherlands Research Day, Utrecht University, Netherlands, Nov 2014.
  • Guest Lecture: “Frankfurter Schule – Kritische Theorie”. Course ‘Social Theory’, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Nov 2014.
  • Presentation: “De Strijd om Erkenning: De rol en positie van professionals in de ouderenzorg in NL, Oostenrijk en Groot Brittannië”. Long-Term Care Groep, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sep 2014.
  • Presentation: “(Dis)continuities of migration: individual and national trajectories and the post-colonial legacy”. Research colloquium, Comparative Structural Analysis Group, Department of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, Feb 2014.
  • Introductory lecture: “Citizenship of migrant care workers”. FP7 Kick-off Meeting, “BEUCitizen: Barriers towards EU Citizenship”, Utrecht University, Netherlands, Sep 2013.
  • Presentation: “The search for the professional: Social and migration policies shaping the positionality of migrant care workers”. “Forum Sozioökonomie”, WU Wien, Austria, May 2013.
  • Presentation: “Blik op Flevoland”. Provincial parliament Flevoland, Netherlands, June 2011.
  • Seminar: Youth welfare, Province Flevoland, Netherlands, Oct 2010.
  • Seminar: “Caring as a moral practice”. Research Group: “Goed Ouder Worden”, Universiteit voor Humanistiek, , Utrecht, Netherlands, Nov 2009.
  • Lecture: ‘“Weil man es so macht!“ Altenpflege-Diskurse in Großbritannien und Österreich’. Research Institute for the Economics of Ageing, WU Wien, Austria, May 2008.


Press and general public:

  • Interview for Austrian Newspaper Die Presse, 2018.
  • Portrait and interview for Zukunft Forschung (University of Innsbruck), 2017.
  • Keynote at public event: 24h Betreuung (AK Tirol, BFI), Innsbruck, 2017.
  • Interview for Slovenian national television (programme “Studio City”), 2016.
  • Several interviews for Austrian newspaper Tiroler Tageszeitung, 2015-2016.
  • Presentation at public event: "The Multi-Generational Workplace" (BFI Tirol, AMS Tirol), Innsbruck, 2016.
  • Interview on Austrian national radio (Ö1), 2008.


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