Find here general information to the Bachelor's and Master's program in physics at the Universität Innsbruck.
Winter Term 2024/2025
- VO Theoretical Physics 1 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- PS Theoretical Physics 1 (Regina Rusch, Robert Schlothauer and others)
- PJ Research study: Many-Body Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Prof. Dr. Alexander Kendl, Prof. Hannes Pichler)
- PJ Research study: Computational Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch and others)
- SE Research Seminar: Theoretical Biophysics and Nanophysics 2024/2025 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- VU Supplements to Theoretical Physics 1 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- VU Research analysis: ion physics and applied physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch and others)
Summer Term 2024
- PS Mathematical Methods in Physics 1 (Abolfazl Ahmadirahmat, Mikhail Baranov, Christoph Hotter)
Winter Term 2023/2024
- PS Theoretical Physics 1 (Lukas Fiderer, Christoph Hotter, Regina Rusch)
- PJ Research study: Many-Body Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Research Seminar: Theoretical Biophysics and Nanophysics 23/24 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- VU Vielteilchentheorie I: Computer simulations in Statistical Physics 1 (Abolfazl Ahmadirahmat, Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- VU Vielteilchentheorie II: Computer simulations in Statistical Physics 2 (Abolfazl Ahmadirahmat, Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE MIP-Seminar (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
Summer Term 2023
- PS Theoretical Physics 4 (Statistical Physics) (Abolfazl Ahmadirahmat, Dr. Michele Caraglio, Regina Rusch)
- VU Advanced Quantum Many-Body Physics: Transport phenomena and correlation functions (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- VU Advanced Methods in Quantum Many-Body Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Research Seminar: Theoretical Biophysics and Nanophysics 2023 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Seminar (I): Theoretical biophysics and nanophysics 2023 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE MIP-Seminar (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Prof. Dr. Karin Schörkhuber, Prof. Dr. Cezary Kaliszyk)
- SE Seminar with Bachelor's Thesis (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
Winter Term 2022/2023
- PJ Research study: Many-Body Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- VU Many-Body Physics I: Advanced Statistical Physics I (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Research Seminar: Theoretical Biophysics and Nanophysics 22/23 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- PR Research Class in Theoretical Ion, Plasma and Energy Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE MIP-Seminar (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- PJ Forschungsstudie: Computational Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
Summer Term 2022
- VO Theoretical Physics 4 (Statistical Physics) (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- PS Theoretical Physics 4 (Statistical Physics) (Abolfazl Ahmadirahmat, Dr. Michele Caraglio, Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Research Seminar: Theoretical Biophysics and Nanophysics 2022 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Seminar (I): Theoretical biophysics and nanophysics 2022 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE MIP-Seminar (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Prof. Dr. Karin Schnass, Dr. Peter Thoman)
- SE Seminar with Bachelor's Thesis (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Introduction course MIP (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE CIM DK Seminar (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch and others)
Winter Term 2021/2022
- PJ Research study: Many-Body Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- VU Many-Body Physics I: Computer Simulations in Statistical Physics I (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- VU Many-Body Physics II: Computer Simulations in Statistical Physics II (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- VU Special Topics in Quantum Science A: Computer Simulations in Statistical Physics I (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- VU Special Topics in Quantum Science B: Computer Simulations in Statistical Physics II (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- VU Applications of Computational Physics A: Computer Simulations in Statistical Physics I (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- VU Applications of Computational Physics B: Computer Simulations in Statistical Physics II (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- VU Special Theoretical Topics 1: Computer Simulations in Statistical Physics I (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- VU Special Theoretical Topics 2: Computer Simulations in Statistical Physics II (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch, Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- VU Bridge Course Mathematics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Seminar (I): Theoretical biophysics and nanophysics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Research Seminar: Theoretical Biophysics and Nanophysics 2022 (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- PR Research Class in Theoretical Ion, Plasma and Energy Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE MIP-Seminar (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- SE Introduction course MIP (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- VO Modern physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- PJ Forschungsstudie: Computational Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch)
- PR Methods in Computational Physics A: Laboratory Class Computational Physics (Dr. Michele Caraglio)
- PR Special Advanced Laboratory Class A: Laboratory Class Computational Physics (Dr. Michele Caraglio)
Previous lectures
Theoretical Physics 1 (Mechanics), Theoretical Physics 3 (Electrodynamics), Theoretical Physics 4 (Statistical Physics), Statistical Physics II: Dynamics, Statistical Field Theory, Theoretical Biophysics: Stochastic Processes, Mechanics of Continua and Theoretical Plasma Physics
Topics are available for Bachelor, Master, and PhD candidates! Please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch.
Completed theses
PhD theses
- Target search of active particles in complex environments, Luigi Zanovello (2022)
- Quasi-confined Colloidal Liquids-Structure and Dynamics, Lukas Schrack (2021)
- The dynamics of self-propelled particles and the buckling transition of a semiflexible polymer, Christina Kurzthaler (2017)
- Complex transport, Sebastian Leitmann (2017)
- Structure and dynamics of liquids in confined environments, Simon Lang (2014)
Master theses
- Stochastic Transport in Periodic Potentials, Jutta Sarah Schnizer (2025)
- Advanced Sampling methods for Non-Equilibrium Particles, Thomas Kiechl (2023)
- First Passage Times of Active Brownian Particles, Francesco Di Trapani (2022)
- Transport Properties of Brownian Particles: Analytical Result and Computer Simulations, Regina Teresa Rusch (2022)
- Solving two Parabolic Partial Differential Equations with the Boundary-Integral Method, Philip Pfahl (2021)
- Transport properties of run-and-tumble chemotaxis, Nicola Schmidt (2019)
- Long-time tails in memory kernels for the Brownian motion of a colloidal System, Jonas Nussdorfer (2017)
- Higher moments in the field driven Lattice Lorentz gas, Thomas Schwab (2016)
Bachelor theses
- Active Brownian Particles in a Bistable Potentia, Michael Oswald (2022)
- Feynman-Kac formula and electrostatics, Florian Gschößer (2021)
- Memory effects in glass-froming liquids, Thomas Kiechl (2020)
- Model of artificial spin ice, Beatriz Barroso Gstrein (2020)
- Steady-state probability distribution of active Brownian particles in confining potentials, Larissa Kröll (2020)
- Movement of emergent magnetic monopoles in lattices of nanomagnets, Leah Rank (2019)
- Lineare Antwort und darüber hinaus, Andre Gladbach (2019)
- Disorder in models of artificial spin ice, Ben Silwa (2018)
- Active particle with memory (subjected to colored noise), Simon Brunner (2018)
- Brownian circle swimmer in a gravitational field, Martin Zobernig (2017)
- Dynamics of a self-propelled anisotropic particle in the gravitational field (2016)
- Dynamics of a Brownian circle swimmer, Victor Wenin (2016)