WALLINGER geb. RAFFL Corinna Mag. Dr.

University of Innsbruck
Department of Zoology
Research Group: Applied Animal Ecology
Technikerstrasse 25 (Room 508)
A-6020 Innsbruck
I am an ecologist with a botanical background mainly interested in plant-insect interactions. My research focuses on the molecular identification of trophic relationships and identification of DNA traces (eDNA) in various ecosystems via diagnostic PCR and metabarcoding. My research focuses on answering ecological questions via the detection. Beside research, I am highly interested in teaching young scientists and especially to impart scientific knowledge to non-scientists.
Moreover, I am a co-founder of the Sinsoma GmbH, a spin-off company of the University of Innsbruck that offers DNA-services such as automated DNA extraction, diagnostic PCR, DNA barcoding, metabarcoding, and ddPCR analysis.
Previous projects
- Seed DNA Detection
- BioAware (since 2017)
- Trophic assessment of ecosystem services provided by carabid beetles in agricultural land (since 2016)
- Monitoring of animals via eDNA
- Frosch im Wassertropfen (since 2018)
- The effect of fertilization type on invertebrates and plants in cereal fields (2014 – 2016), FWF Sparkling Science
- Digestion rates of different weed seeds in granivorous Carabid beetles (2014)
- The effect of seed identity and digestion time on molecular detection of ingested seeds in two species of granivorous carabid beetles (2013)
- The impact of primary succession on plant–herbivore interactions in Alpine glacier forelands (2012)
- Diversity assessment and molecular identification of white grub species in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region of Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan (2012)
- Sustainable potato pest management in the Hindukush-Himalaya region
- Exploitation of plant diversity by below-ground herbivores: tracking dietary choice in elaterid larvae using a molecular approach (2007 – 2012) FWF project
- Development of a DNA-based system for tracking DNA of consumed plants in elaterid larvae (2007) TWF
- Tracking dietary choice in elaterid larvae by stable isotope- and molecular gut-content analysis (2007) For Women in Science
- The importance of birds as natural control agents of white grubs in grassland systems (2006–2007) BBK
- New approaches in glacier foreland research: Comparative Molecular genetic analysis of populations of Saxifraga aizoides and Trifolium pallescens