ZEISLER Christiane, MSc. 

University of Innsbruck
Department of Zoology

Research Group: Applied Animal Ecology

Technikerstrasse 25 (Room 508)
A-6020 Innsbruck

T +43 (0)512 507-51870
F +43 (0)512 507-51899

Fields of Work

  • Trophic interactions of invertebrates in agricultural systems
  • Food web structure and biological control
  • Environmental DNA


Current projects

  • ElatPro: Spotting the needle in a haystack: Predicting wireworm activity in top soil for integrated pest management in arable crops (C-IPM)
  • ARGE Drahtwurm: Alternative Methoden in der Drahtwurmbekämpfung bei Kartoffeln (eip-agri)
  • Frosch im Wassertropfen


Previous projects

  • Optimizing the application of trap crops in potatoes using DNA based gut content analysis of agriotes-larvae (Berglandwirtschafts-Projekt)
  • Wireworm regulation: Investigation of the effectiveness of inter-crop strips in potato fields using molecular gut content analysis (Berglandwirtschafts-Projekt)
  • The applicability of ddPCR to quantify soil animals (Berglandwirtschafts-Projekt)
  • The feeding ecology of Drosophila suzukii
  • The feeding ecology of cormorants; Master's thesis „Die Nahrungsökologie des Kormorans im Alpenvorland : Erfassung saisonaler Nahrungspräferenzen mittels molekularer Techniken“



Thalinger B.; Oehm J.; Mayr H.; Obwexer A.; Zeisler C. (2016) Molecular prey identification in Central European piscivores. Molecular Ecology Rescources 16 (1). 123-137.

Wolf S., Zeisler C., Sint D., Romeis J., Traugott M., Collatz J. (2018): A simple and cost-effective molecular method to track predation on Drosophila suzukii in the field. Journal of Pest Science 91, 927-935. doi: 10.1007/s10340-017-0948-7.

Thalinger B., Sint D., Zeisler C., Kirschner D., Schwarzenberger R., Moritz C., Traugott M. (2018): Quantifizierung von Fischbeständen mittels eDNA in alpinen Fließgewässern. Wasserwirtschaft 108(2-3), 30-34. doi: 10.1007/s35147-018-0009-z.

Briem F., Zeisler C., Guenay Y., Staudacher K., Vogt H., Traugott M. (2018): Identifying plant DNA in the sponging–feeding insect pest Drosophila suzukii. Journal of Pest Science 91, 985-994. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-018-0963-3.

Thalinger B., Oehm J., Zeisler C., Vorhauser J., Traugott M. (2018): Sex‐specific prey partitioning in breeding piscivorous birds examined via a novel, noninvasive approach. Ecology and Evolution 8: 8985– 8998. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4421

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