Institut für Theorie und Zukunft des Rechts heißt Future Fellow Guimarães willkommen

Er wird am 27. März 2025 einen Lunch Talk mit dem Titel "Fake interactions: the pseudo-experience of rights in the infosphere" halten. 

Donnerstag, 27. März 2025, 12:30

Digital Science Center – DiSC, Open Space Area
Institut für Theorie und Zukunft des Rechts
Innrain 15, 6020 Innsbruck


Nuno Guimarães ist Professor am Institut für Informationswissenschaft und -technologie (ISTA) der ISCTE Lissabon. Er war u.a. Gastprofessur am Indian Institute of Technology in Gandhinagar und an der TU Berlin und Konsulent im Software Systems Principles Research Lab (Bell Labs), AT&T. Er ist Mitglied des Zentrums für Rechtsforschung im Cyberspace an der juristischen Fakultät der Universität Lissabon. Im März 2025 ist der Future Fellow am Institut für Theorie und Zukunft des Rechts.

Abstract: The infosphere developed through the pervasiveness of hyperconnected digital artifacts created in the last decades of the twentieth century. The design concerns were related first to core usability, focusing on functionality, and then to the whole personal experience, including emotional, aesthetical, and hedonistic elements. Only then did laws start to emerge. The current normative frameworks aim to sustain the principles of an organized society and the rule of law in the extended space of the infosphere. However, life in the infosphere is lived experientially, meaning common actions are not critically assessed before performance. Does the law still matter? In daily life, the law is learned through socially recognized conventions and not so much through recurring and detailed analysis. The current expressions of individual and fundamental rights in the digital space do not allow for experiential behavior and are not actually compatible with human digital life. This is reflected in the illusion of the consent mechanisms and in unavoidable litigation, as we can amply demonstrate. So what future shall we – and can we – imagine?  

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