The sixth project meeting took place in Andechs, Germany. ifuplan was in charge of the organisation of the meeting. One of the highlights was a guided tour through the monastry in which the meeting was held.
The main objective of the meeting was to present and discuss the first workshops which were held in six test regions during May till July 2007. The intervening of the work packages WP9, WP10 and WP11 was discussed very vividly, as well as the atlas being one output of the DIAMONT project. In addition to all project partners, Mr. Karl-Heinz Weißgerber
from the Bavarian State Ministry (StMUGV) participated in the meeting.
For more information, please download:
Presentations: Workshop 1&2 Waidhofen, Workshop 1&2 Gap, Workshop 1&2 Allgäu, Workshop 1 Traunstein, WP11_WorkshopStrategy, WP9_Status&Conclusions, DVD