Reading Room

Here you can find a collection of selected readings on environmental economics and regional development. Enjoy them!
Readings in Environmental Economics
Governance of Natural Resouces
Ostrom, Gardner and Walker (1994) Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Resources. Michigan University Press
Ostrom (1990) Governing the Commons. Cambridge University Press
Ostrom (2009) A General Framework for Analyzing Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems. Science Vol. 325 no. 5939 pp. 419-422.
International Environmental Agreements
Barrett (2003) Environment and Statecraft. The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making. Oxford University Press.
Natural Resource Economics
Conrad (2010) Resource Economics 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press.
Readings in Regional Development
Capello (2007) Regional Economics. Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance
McCann (2006) Urban and Regional Economics. Oxford University Press
Brakman, Garretsen and Van Marrewijk (2001) An introduction to geographical economics: trade, location and growth. Cambridge Univ Press
Brakman S., Garretsen H., Van Marrewijk C. (2009) The new introduction to geographical economics. Cambridge Books