Anja Hartl


Ass.-Prof. Dr.


Room: 40323

Office hour during the semester break: 13 February, 10.30-12.30 (online or in person, please sign up via e-mail)

+43 512 507 41407

Research and teaching interests

  • Victorian Fiction
  • Shame, Affect Theory, History of Emotions
  • Contemporary British Drama; Political Theatre
  • Bertolt Brecht
  • Adaptation Studies
  • William Shakespeare
  • Border Studies


Erasmus+ coordinator

Please consult the information on our Studies Abroad website (in particular the FAQ section) before getting in touch with me via e-mail.

Please direct any initial enquiries about your Erasmus+ application to Barbara Stöckl.

B.A. Reading List Exam Dates (literary studies)                                           


Postdoctoral Research Project (Habilitationsprojekt) 

The Politics of Shame in the Victorian Novel



Since 2023: Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Innsbruck

2019: PhD Thesis: “Experiential Brecht: Dialectical Theatre on the Contemporary British Stage” (summa cum laude)

2015-2023: Assistant Professor, Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies, University of Konstanz, Germany



Selected Publications (ORCiD: 0000-0001-9629-3482)

1)  Co-editor of the Bloomsbury Methuen Drama Agitations series

2) Brecht and Post-1990s British Drama: Dialectical Theatre Today. Bloomsbury, 2021. (available as Open Access)

3) "Claiming Space: Directing Medea on the Twenty-First-Century British Stage." The Methuen Drama Handbook of Women in Contemporary British Theatre. Eds. Marissia Fragkou and Rebecca Benzie. Bloomsbury, 2025. 53-66.

4) “History and/as Adaptation: MacBeth and the Rhizomatic Adaptation of History.” Adaptation Before Cinema: Literary and Visual Convergence from Antiquity through the Nineteenth Century. Eds. Lissette Lopez Szwydky and Glenn Jellenik. Palgrave, 2023, 91-111.

5) “Experiencing Textures: The Materiality of Illegitimacy in Wilkie Collins's No Name.” Victorian Materialisms. Spec. issue of European Journal of English Studies (eds. Ariane de Waal and Ursula Kluwick). 26.1 (2022): 105-23.


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