Dr.in Thea Xenia Wiesli
Department of Sociology/ Agricultural and Regional Sociology
E-mail: Thea.Wiesli@uibk.ac.at
Tel.: +43 512 507-73439
Room: w.2.24
Thea Xenia Wiesli holds a PhD in sociology and has been a postdoc at the University of Innsbruck since 2023. After completing her Master's degree in Sociology at the University of Basel, she investigated quality of life in relation to sustainability using qualitative and quantitative methods in her dissertation at the Centre for Development and Environment at the University of Bern. Since completing her dissertation in February 2022, she has worked on several research projects (e.g. ‘Food Systems from the Perspective of Justice’, ‘The Clearance of the Former Ammunition Depot in Mitholz’ and ‘Nature Park Stations in Bernese Parks’). She researched various sustainable development topics, including sustainable and equitable nutrition in Brazil, migration due to climate change in mountain areas and psychological behaviour management in nature reserves in Switzerland.) She also taught for five years in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Sustainable Development at the University of Bern.
At the Institute of Sociology in Innsbruck, she conducts research in her two projects on meat consumption by different social groups and classes. She is part of the Rural Sociology research group and teaches on topics of agricultural and regional sociology, sustainable nutrition, inequality, justice and sustainable development.
For a complete insight, please see: Wiesli Thea Xenia (0000-0002-3610-3058) - ORCID
Last published peer-reviewed articles:
Wiesli Thea Xenia and Przepiorka Wojtek (2023). Does Living in a Protected Area Reduce Resource Use and Promote Life Satisfaction? Survey Results from and Around three Regional Nature Parks in Switzerland. Social Indicators. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-023-03164-z
Wiesli Thea Xenia and Hammer Thomas (2022). How can Quality of Life be Achieved in a Sustainable Way? Perceptions of Swiss Rural Inhabitants. Discover Sustainability 3, 44. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43621-022-00114-6
Wiesli Thea Xenia, Hammer Thomas and Knaus Florian (2022). Improving Quality of Life for Residents of Nature Parks: Management Recommendations. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 18, 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15487733.2022.2100128.
Hammer Thomas, Bär Roger and Wiesli Thea Xenia (2022). Großschutzgebiete als Schlüsselakteure regionaler Transformation Richtung Nachhaltigkeit? Berichte Geographie und Landeskunde 95, 4: 379–400. https://doir.org/10.25162/bgl-2022-0020
Hammer Thomas, Bär Roger, Ehrensperger Albrecht, Friedli Andreas, Liechti Karina, Wallner Astrid and Wiesli Thea Xenia (2022). A Holistic Assessment of the Impacts of Park Management: Findings from the Evaluation of Regional Nature Parks in Switzerland. Eco Mont 14, 1. https://www.austriaca.at/?arp=0x003d2772
Wiesli Thea Xenia, Liebe Ulf, Hammer Thomas and Bär Roger (2021). Sustainable Quality of Life: A Conceptualization that Integrates the Views of Inhabitants of Swiss Rural Regions. Sustainability 13, 16: 9187. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13169187
Current own research projects:
"Towards Sustainable Levels of Meat Consumption: Factors and Support Strategies Across Social Classes in the UK" (2024-2025), financed by the Early Stage Funding of the University of Innsbruck
“The Distinction of Meat Consumption: A Comparison of Austria and Finland” (2024-2026) financed by the Tyrolean Young Researchers Funding
Co-researcher in:
ERC Project "Resilient Rules" (2022-2027) of the University of Zaragoza http://ope.unizar.es/en/node/2187
Current and past courses of Thea Wiesli can be found in the course catalogue of the University of Innsbruck.