The call for applications is open to individuals with or without a current employment contract at Universität nnsbruck. Master’s students (whose thesis is already in an advanced stage of development), doctoral candidates, and postdocs can apply for this type of mobility program. The host institution must be an Aurora partner university (see
The research to be conducted at the host institution should be clearly defined and provide added value to the applicant's research project. The research topics can come from any academic discipline.
The following types of travel are not eligible for funding:
- Guest lectures with an employment contract
- Research related to bachelor theses
- Participation in congresses, conferences, and symposiums
Applicants can apply on their own and do not need to be nominated. However, the supervisor must support the planned research stay. Before submitting the application, the candidate and/or the supervisor must ensure that the host institution is able to adequately accommodate the applicant.
- Eligible expenses include only travel and accommodation costs (excluding per diems, meals, taxi fares, printing costs, translation fees, visa fees, vaccinations, tolls, vignettes, phone charges, etc.). These expenses can be reimbursed up to the maximum approved total amount.
- The application must be submitted by specific deadlines. Applications can be made up to a maximum of 6 months before the planned research stay. Late submissions cannot be considered. After the deadline, the processing time is approximately 4 weeks, so applicants should take this into account when planning their application.
The deadlines are:
- In the financial plan for the project, funding from other sources related to the research stay must be disclosed. Any additional funding obtained after the application has been submitted must be promptly reported to the Aurora Mobility Coordination and reflected in an updated financial plan for the purpose of reimbursement.
- Master’s and doctoral students must be enrolled as regular students at the University of Innsbruck and registered for continuation of their studies.
- Please note that the formal fulfillment of all application requirements does not imply a legal entitlement to financial support.
Only complete applications will be processed, which must include the following documents:
- Completed application form
- Proof of approval for leave of absence/business trip (in the case of an employment relationship, e.g., printout from VIS:Online)
- Transcript of records and confirmation of enrollment (for master’s or doctoral students)
- Confirmation from the host institution of acceptance
- Letter of recommendation from the supervisor
Further details about the procedure can be found in the application form. We aim to support as many applicants and projects as possible. Therefore, multiple applications from individual applicants, institutes, or projects will only be considered if there are not enough other eligible applications. Financial support does not create a legal entitlement, and rejected applications will not be further justified. The funding decision for the applications is made by the Aurora Office in coordination with the Vice-Rectorate for Research.
For awarded funding, a detailed final report must be submitted within 6 weeks after the completion of the research stay to The following documents must be included:
Original flight tickets/boarding passes, train tickets, or local public transport tickets along with corresponding payment proof (e.g., credit card statement, invoice).
Original invoice for accommodation costs with corresponding payment proof (e.g., credit card statement, invoice).
Completed travel expense reimbursement form (for those with an employment contract) or reimbursement request form (for those without an employment contract).
A 1-2 page report on the research stay and its impact on the applicant’s own research (and, if applicable, an updated financial plan).
Important Note: If the reimbursement is not submitted within 6 weeks after the reported end of the project, the funding offer will be void unless a justified delay has been communicated and agreed upon with
Travel Costs: The funding covers flight or train travel (economy class or 2nd class train tickets) as well as time-based tickets for local public transport (e.g., weekly or monthly passes). Staff members should also adhere to Universität Innsbruck internal travel guidelines „Klimafreundliches Reisen an der Universität Innsbruck“ and consider climate-friendly travel options when planning their journeys.
Accommodation Costs: Funding covers expenses for hotel, B&B, or Airbnb stays (recommended for longer stays). However, private accommodations cannot be reimbursed. The following maximum nightly rates apply per country, based on the Austrian travel expense regulation:
Denmark: EUR 183.40
Germany: EUR 123.90
France: EUR 128.10
Italy: EUR 123.90
Iceland: EUR 168.00
Netherlands: EUR 123.90
Spain: EUR 134.40
Czech Republic: EUR 108.50
Research stays can last up to a maximum of 3 months and are capped at a maximum funding amount of EUR 7,000. Multiple stays (e.g., two 3-week periods within the three-month funding window) are possible, but the applicant must provide a clear justification for such a request within the application. This allows flexibility in how the mobility period is structured, but it must align with the overall objectives of the funding program.
If you have any questions about the reimbursement process or need assistance with financial claims for your research stay, please contact
For general questions: