Master's Programme Mechatronics

Curriculum (2013W)

Joint Study Programme of the University of Innsbruck and the UMIT TIROL

Diplom-Ingenieurin/Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing. or DI)

Duration/ ECTS-Credits
4 semesters / 120 ECTS-Credits

Mode of Study


Admission Requirements 
Relevant bachelor's degree or equivalent and Language Certificates

Faculty of Engineering Sciences

Qualification Level
Master (Second Cycle)
ISCED-11: Level 7, EQF/NQF: Level 7

0788 Inter-disc.progr. involv. Engin., Manuf. and Construction

Study Code
UC 066 481

Apply online

This programme is carried out in conjunction with the Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT TIROL) in Hall. Students have to enrol at the UMIT TIROL first – tuition fees will be charged – and then at the University of Innsbruck.

The curriculum is the basis of a degree programme. A look at the curriculum for the Master Mechatronics gives you a detailed overview of the structure, content, examination regulations and qualification profile of this Master's degree.

The curriculum can clarify several important questions before you start your studies. For example, which criteria must be fulfilled for enrolment in the Master Mechatronics, how long the programme lasts, which modules must be completed and much more.

The 2013W curriculum is currently valid for the Master's programme Mechatronics.

Information on the Curriculum (2013W)

The complete version of the curriculum reflects the currently valid version of the curriculum. It is for informational purposes only and is not legally binding. The legally binding version of the curriculum, including any amendments, may be found in the University of Innsbruck Bulletins.

In order to determine which version of the curriculum is applicable in your case, see the Catalogue of Studies
available at:
Section: Current Curriculum version.


Relevant bachelor's degrees at the University of Innsbruck:

Proof of general university entrance qualification:

The general university entrance qualification for admission to a master's programme must be proven by the completion of a subject-related bachelor's programme, another subject-related programme of at least the same higher education level at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution, or a program defined in the curriculum of the master's programme. To compensate for significant differences in subject matter, supplementary examinations (maximum 30 ECTS credits) may be prescribed, which must be taken by the end of the second semester of the master's programme.

The rectorate may determine which of these supplementary examinations are prerequisites for taking examinations provided for in the curriculum of the master's programme.

In the course of the proof of the general university entrance qualification, the completion of the following core areas within the framework of the completed bachelor's degree programme shall be examined in any case:

  •   6 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Fundamentals of Natural Sciences
  • 45 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Mathematics and Informatics
  • 45 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
  • 35 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Electrical Engineering and Control Engineering
  • 10 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Industrial Mechatronics and Material Science or Biomedical Engineering

Recommended Course Sequence

The exemplary course sequence given below is recommended for full-time students beginning their study programme in the winter semester. The table shows one possible course sequence for the bachelor's programme and is not compulsory. Delays resulting from repeated examinations are not taken into account.

The standard duration of the study programme is 4 semesters or 120 ECTS-Credits, whereby according to the Universities Act of 2002, a workload of 1,500 (real) hours per academic year must be fulfilled, corresponding to 60 ECTS-Credits (one ECTS-Credit is equivalent to a workload of 25 hours).

Area of specialisation Industrial Mechatronics and Material Science

9.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 1: Mathematics and Information Theory
15.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 2: Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
6.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 5: Industrial Mechatronics and Material Science 1

7.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 3: Electrical Engineering
9.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 4: Electrical Engineering and Informatics
9.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 6: Industrial Mechatronics and Material Science 2
5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 1: Industrial Mechatronics and Material Science 3

5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 9: Advanced Mechatronics
5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 10: Additional Qualifications
5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 2: Industrial Mechatronics 1
5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 3: Industrial Mechatronics 2
5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 4: Material Science 1
5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 5: Material Science 2

27.5 ECTS-Credits: Master's Thesis
2.5 ECTS-Credits: Master Thesis Defense

Area of specialisation Biomedical Engineering

9.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 1: Mathematics and Information Theory
15.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 2: Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
6.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 7: Biomedical Engineering 1

7.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 3: Electrical Engineering
9.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 4: Electrical Engineering and Informatics
9.0 ECTS-Credits: Compulsory Module 8: Biomedical Engineering 2
5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 6: Biomedical Engineering 3

5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 9: Advanced Mechatronics
5.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 10: Additional Qualifications 
10.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 7: Biomedical Engineering 4
10.0 ECTS-Credits: Elective Module 8: Biomedical Engineering 5

27.5 ECTS-Credits: Master's Thesis
2.5 ECTS-Credits: Master's Thesis Defense

ECTS-Anrechnungspunkte (Arbeitsbelastung)
Course Sequence

Extension Programme

Within the scope of the Study Programme, a Extension Programme corresponding to 45 ECTS-Credits or 60 ECTS-Credits may be passed. Admission to the Extension Programme requires the admission to or the having passed of one of the selected Study Programmes. Detailed information:

Information about examination regulations, assessment and grading

Examination regulations

The examination regulation is an integral part of the curriculum, detailed information can be found under the paragraph examination regulations.

The grade distribution table is a statistical representation of the distribution of all successfully completed examinations in a given programme of study or subject (based on all registered students for the programme or subject). The grade distribution table is updated in regular intervals.

Austrian grading  scheme Definition  %-age
 1 EXCELLENT:  Outstanding performance 38.6= 100%
 2  GOOD:  Generally good, but with some errors 30.2
 3 SATISFACTORY:  Generally sound work with a number of substantial errors 20.6
 4 SUFFICIENT:  Performance meets the minimum criteria10.6
 5 INSUFFICIENT:  Substantial improvement necessary; requirement of further work

December 2021

Overall classification of the qualification

Not applicable
Explanation: An overall classification (mit Auszeichnung bestanden/pass with distinction, bestanden/pass, nicht bestanden/fail) – is awarded only for examinations that conclude a programme of study and consist of more than one subject (an examination of this type is not specified in the curriculum of this programme of study).

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