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Montag, 03.06.2024


DK ALM Celebrating 8 years of the doctoral programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules: Black Holes, Aliens, and the End of the Universe: Science Communicat

15:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Aula, Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52, Innsbruck

Anmeldung ist erforderlich; Anmeldung beim Veranstalter bis 29.05.24

Eintritt / Kosten: Eintritt frei


Suzanna Randall

Suzanna Randall with a PhD in Astrophysics from Université de Montréal, Canada, in 2026, has been working since 2010 at ESO, European Southern Observatory, and ALMA, the world’s largest millimeter telescope. Since 2019 she has been attending the training and education to become an astronaut. Suzanna works also as a moderator and speaker.

Weitere Informationen

The physics of atoms, light, and molecules plays a crucial role in various scientific disciplines and technological advancements. This field provides young researchers with valuable knowledge and experience, enabling them to pursue diverse careers in science and industry. To promote cutting-edge research the University of Innsbruck‘s atomic, molecular, and optical physics groups started the Doctoral Programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules (DK ALM) in 2016 as a joint programme incorporating the four physics institutes of the University of Innsbruck with the aim of providing excellent education and training for PhD students at the forefront of science.


Doktoral Programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules