The Photonics group is led by Prof. Gregor Weihs at the Institute for Experimental Physics at the University of Innsbruck. It is part of the FWF Doctoral Program Atoms, Light and Molecules (DK ALM) and of the FWF SFB BeyondC. Our research in quantum optics and quantum information focuses on semiconductor nanostructures and on the foundations of (quantum) physics.
news. This event will make students aware of career opportunities in quantum technology and related fields, while offering the opportunity to build valuable connections for future employment
news. Interview with Gregor Weihs about quantum research. Gregor Weihs gave fascinating insights into the world of quantum science in the Ö1 program 'Punkt eins' and answered questions from listeners
news. It was a great time at the Vienna Ball of Sciences 2025! Attending the SciBall at Vienna City Hall is a fantastic opportunity to represent the scientific community and celebrate the importance of science
news. Josef Hloušek's fellowship proposal entitled “Unveiling the Nature of Genuine Many-Particle Phenomena: Quantum Interference and Complementary Relations (UNAGI)”, was awarded the quantA Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations on this success!
news. MIP Day, on Wednesday, 19th February 2025, the Day of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics will once again take place at the University of Innsbruck
news. The United Nations proclaims 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
news. It was a great pleasure to welcome the international workshop on “Engineering of Quantum Emitter Properties (EQEP) 2024” at the University of Innsbruck
news. Robert Keil and Tommaso Faleo have investigated the relationship between entanglement and interference in quantum systems of more than two particles
news. During The Long Night of Research Prof.Gregor Weihs will take you to the locations of the experiment, which was awarded the Nobel Prize.
news. We were invited to visit the production facilities at Swarovski Crystal Worlds
news. Die Wunderwelt der Quanten Vortrag von Anton Zeilinger in Innsbruck
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