Company "Day parents" at the University

In October 2024, at the beginning of the winter semester, the University of Innsbruck will open a childcare option on the premises of the Faculty of Theology at Karl-Rahner-Platz in the immediate vicinity of the Universitätsstraße campus. In this way, it is making a further step towards reconciling work and childcare. In cooperation with the Aktion Tagemütter/-väter Tirol association, a company childminder will look after children aged 0-6 of university employees in a specially adapted apartment with a spacious outdoor area. Following the principle "responsible, individual and loving", Aktion Tagesmütter/-väter can look back on more than 25 years of experience in childcare in Tyrol.

Opening hours

The facility is open all year round from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm and Friday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Children’s Age

The childcare offer is aimed at children from the age of 0-6 years (cut-off date is August 31, start of school).

Fees and registration

As an University empoyee and under certain conditions, you can book places as "annual packages" for one "childcare year" (1.9.-31.8.) at the following monthly rates:

Monthly rates for half days (Mon-Thu 8 am - 2 pm, Friday 8 am - 1 pm)


reduced rate

non-reduced rate

3 days

  140 €                        

  240 €

4 days

  220 €

  320 €

5 days

 300 €

 400 €

Requirements for the reduced rate:

The reduced rate applies to employees of the University in a fully insured employment contract with an extent of at least 15 hours per week (no external lecturers) and a gross monthly income of less than 3000 €, for children up to school entry/the age of 6 (cut-off date 31.8.). It is not possible to receive the university's childcare allowance at the same time!


To register, you must have an existing employment contract with the University of Innsbruck and be employed for at least 15 hours per week (except in extraordinary cases).

Please send your application for the childcare year 2024/2025 (start October 1, 2024*) with completed application form and supplementary sheet to:
Please note: Registration does not automatically guarantee admission!
Application form (German)
Supplementary sheet to the application (only for internal use for the allocation of places) (German)
*Subject to possible changes

You can register for the 2025/26 childcare year until December 15, 2024. If the number of registrations exceeds the available number of places, a committee decides on the ranking. The following criteria will be used to allocate places (not ranked):

  • Level of employment of the applicant and, if required, the partner
  • Single parent
  • Desired start of childcare
  • Desired number of hours
  • Alternative childcare options at the place of residence
  • Main residence (in or outside Tyrol)
  • Other reasons worth considering* (e.g. both parents employed at the university; registration in the previous year; applicants who do not have a local network, e.g. if they are moving to Tyrol for the first time; possibly siblings;*not ranked!)


 If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Family Service.

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