Projects- Quantum computation and entanglement with ion strings
- Strongly interacting Fermi gases
- Dipolar quantum gases
- Quantum entanglement in higher-dimensional Hilbert spaces: foundations and applications
- Probing and controlling mesoscopic low-dimensional quantum systems
- Quantum agents, simulation and measurement-based computation
- Atom cavity QED
- Simulation of strongly correlated quantum systems
- Many-body quantum systems of cold atoms, molecules and ions
- A quantum switch for light
- Large-scale numerical simulations of quantum matter
- Entanglement in a CQED system
| The SFB FoQuS is a consortium of experimental and theoretical research projects in Innsbruck and Vienna. The host institutions are:
- the University of Innsbruck,
- the University of Vienna,
- the Technical University of Vienna, and
- the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.
The speaker of the SFB is Rainer Blatt at the University of Innsbruck. The deputy speaker is Anton Zeilinger at the University of Vienna. | |