
Our Guest: Hwan Pyo Moon


LFUI Guest Professorship
March - May 2025

Home university / Country
Dongguk University / Republic of Korea 


Research areas
Computer Aided Geometric Design

Guest of 
Hans-Peter Schröcker

Department of Basic Sciences in Engineering Sciences, Unit Geometry and Surveying

Guest lecture
03.04.2025, at 17:15, HSB 6, Technikerstraße 13a
"High-degree polynomial curve design using hodograph control polygons

"What fascinates me about academic research is continuously realizing that highly abstract concepts can describe and embody the real world."


What surprised me about Innsbruck... 

… are the combination of beautiful nature and friendly people. While staying here for more than half a year, I have come to love fresh air, clean water, and beautiful mountains, and most of all, I am grateful for the kindness of all unit members.


At the University of Innsbruck, I will...

… conduct the collaborative research with the members in Unit of Geometry and Surveying on shape control methods for the effective design of high degree polynomial and rational surfaces. This research will be supported by National Research Foundation of Korea for the next five years, so I will visit the University of Innsbruck repeatedly in the future. I hope that my stay at the University of Innsbruck will be productive and beneficial to both me and the collaborators.


I chose this field of study as a student because...

… Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) is one of the few areas of mathematics where the result can be immediately visualized. Some fields of geometry study the properties of high-dimensional objects that are invisible and even difficult to imagine. Although these fields are also important mathematically, I personally found the geometry of three-dimensional space where we live in more interesting.


What fascinates me about academic research is...

... continuously realizing that highly abstract concepts can describe and embody the real world. As an applied mathematician, I have repeatedly seen that mathematical models explain the real world, predict its changes, and make the changes for better based on this. I always try not to forget the importance of the relationships with the real-world problems while doing my mathematics research.


I motivate my students to think creatively and innovatively by...

... encouraging them to attack their target problem directly instead of spending too much time trying to fully understand basic definitions and theorems. I had many experiences increasing my understanding of mathematical concepts by applying them to specific examples.


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