Eva Egreder, MA 



Master’s degree in Criminology and Violence Studies (MA) from the University of Regensburg with previous studies of Law and Philosophy (BA) in Frankfurt am Main. Scientific research at University College Cork in the field of European probation services as well as non-university research in the field of digitization of the penal system in Ireland. Researcher at IRKS since 2024.

Phone: +43 512 507 73907

Mail: eva.egreder@uibk.ac.at


Research Focus:

Penal Systems & Abolitionism, Criminal Justice Policy, Crime Prevention


Research Projects:

 BeWirkt - Impact Evaluation of the Austrian Probation Services 

DigitRes - Digital Rehabilitation in Prison



Swirak K., Egreder E. (2023). Evidence Review of Volunteering in Probation. University College Cork, Ireland. 



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