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- Arndt, H. (1994). Preface. Marine Microbial Food Webs 8: (1-2) 3.
- Arndt, H. (1994). Protozooplankton ecology - Methods and seasonal successions Mondsee (Austria, 13-18 April 1993. Marine Microbial Food Webs 8: (1-2) 1-384.
- Cai, Q., Gao, X., Chen, Y., Ma, S., and Dokulil, M. (1994). Dynamic variations of water quality in Lake Tai Hu and multivariate analysis of ist influential factors, 217-230. In: Environmental protection and lake ecosystem. China Science and Technology Press, Nanjing.
- Danielopol, D. L. (1994). Ecological aspects of groundwater management: Short comments from the European experience, 377-379. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ground Water Ecology. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency American Water Resources Association.
- Danielopol, D. L. (1994). Groundwater Ecology, Introduction. In: Gibert, J., Danielopol, D. L., and Stanford, J. A. Groundwater Ecology, pp. 1-6
- Danielopol, D. L. (1994). What can we expect from groundwater ecologists, 13-20. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ground Water Ecology. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency American Water Resources Association.
- Danielopol, D. L., Creuzè des Chatelliers, M., Mößlacher, F., Pospisil, P., and Popa, R. (1994). Adaptation of Crustacea to Interstitial Habitats: A Practical Agenda for Ecological Studies. In: Gibert, J., Danielopol, D. L., and Stanford, J. A. Groundwater Ecology, pp. 217-243
- Danielopol, D. L., Marmonier, P., Boulton, A. J. & Bonaduce, G. (1994). World subterranean ostracod biogeography: dispersal or variance. Hydrobiologia 287: 19-129.
- Dokulil, M. T. (1994). Begleituntersuchungen zum Wasseraustausch in der Alten Donau 1993. 1-75. Projektbericht Magistrat, Wien.
- Dokulil, M. T. (1994). Environmental control of phytoplankton productivity in turbulent turbid systems. Hydrobiologia 289: 65-72.
- Dokulil, M. T. and Kofler, S. (1994). Ecology and autecology of Tabellaria flocculosa var. asterionelloides Grunow (Bacillariophyceae) with remarks on the validation of the species name, 23-38. In: Proceedings of the thirteenth international Diatom Symposium. Biopress, Bristol.
- Dokulil, M. T., Padisak, J. (1994). Long-term compositional response of phytoplankton in a shallow, turbid environment, Neusiedlersee (Austria,/Hungary). Hydrobiologia 275/276: 125-137.
- Eisinger, K. (1994). Phytoplankton und Chemismus eines Altwassers in der Stopfenreuther Au 1-133. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien.
- Falkner, G., Wagner, F., and Falkner, R. (1994). Application of a linear flow-force relationship to the bioenergetic characterization of transient state phosphate uptake by the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans. In: Westerhoff, H. V. Biothermokinetics. Intercept, Hampshire, pp. 181-186
- Falkner, G., Wagner, F. & Falkner, R. (1994). On the relation between phosphate uptake and growth of the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, sciences de la vie/Life sciences: 535-541.
- Geiger, W. (1994). An ecophysiological approach to the clonal ecology of Limnocythere inopinata. In: Horne, D. J. and Martens, K. The Evolutionary Ecology of Reproductive Modes in Non-Marine Ostracoda. University Press, Greenwich, pp.1-73
- Gibert, J., Danielopol, D. L., and Stanford, J. A. (1994). Groundwater Ecology, Introduction. In: Gibert, J., Danielopol, D. L., and Stanford, J. A. Groundwater Ecology. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 1-6
- Humpesch, U. H. (1994). Quantitative Erfassung des Makrozoobenthos der Stromsohle in der freien Fließstrecke der österreichischen Donau - Bodenstruktur, Besiedlungsdichte und Besiedlungsstruktur. Limnologie Aktuell 2: 109-125.
- Humpesch, U. H, Moog, O. (1994). Die Flora und Fauna der österreichischen Donau. Limnologie Aktuell 2: 81-107.
- Jürgens, K., Arndt, H. & Rothhaupt, K. O. (1994). Zooplankton-mediated changes of bacterial community structure. Microbial Ecology 27: 27-42.
- Marmonier, P., Ward, J. V. & Danielopol, D. L. (1994). Biodiversity and groundwater/surfacewater ecotones. Biology International 28: 14-17.
- Mathes, J., Arndt, H. (1994). Marine microbial food webs. Biomass and composition of protozooplankton in relation to lake trophy in north German lakes 8: (1-2) 357-375.
- Mayer, J. (1994). Hydrochemische und algologische Untersuchung im Zuge der interdisziplinären Studie Alte Donau im Jahr 1993 1-113. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien.
- Merle, C. (1994). Modelisation des echanges a l' interface eau-sediment d' un milieu alluvia 1-52. Diplomarbeit, Universität Lyon.
- Moog, O., Konar, M. & Humpesch, U. H. (1994). The macrozoobenthos of the River Danube in Austria. Lauterbornia 15: 25-51.
- Nauwerck, A. (1994). Cyclops scutifer Sars in Lake Latnjajaure, Swedish Lapland. Hydrobiologia 274: 101-114.
- Nauwerck, A. (1994). A survey on water chemistry and plankton in high mountain lakes in Swedish Lapland. Hydrobiologia 274: 91-100.
- Padisak, J., Dokulil, M. (1994). Contribution of green algae to the phytoplankton assemblage in a large, turbid, shallow, mesotrophic lake (Neusiedlersee, Austria/Hungary). Biologia Bratislava, 49: (4) 571-579.
- Padisak, J., Dokulil, M. (1994). Meroplankton dynamics in a saline, turbulent, turbid shallow lake (Neusiedlersee, Austria und Hungary). Hydrobiologia 289: 23-42.
- Pichler, B. (1994). Nährstoffeintrag in die Neue Donau über den Niederschlag 1-76. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien.
- Pospisil, P. (1994). Die Grundwassercyclopiden (Crustacea, Copepoda) der Lobau in Wien (Österreich) 1-221. Dissertation, Universität Wien.
- Pospisil, P. (1994). The Groundwater Fauna of a Danube Aquifer in the "Lobau" Wetland in Vienna, Austria. In: Gibert, J., Danielopol, D. L., and Stanford, J. A. Groundwater Ecology. Academic Press, New York, pp. 317-366
- Pospisil, P., Danielopol, D. L., and Dreher, J. (1994). Measuring dissolved oxygen in simple and multi-level wells, 57-64. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ground Water Ecology. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency American Water Resources Association.
- Qiming, C., Xiyun, G., Chen, Y., Ma, S., and Dokulil, M. (1994). Dynamic variations of water quality in Lake Taihu and multivariate analysis of its influential factors, 217-230. In: Environmental protection and lake ecosystem. China Science and Technology Press, Nanijing.
- Rogulj, B., Marmonier, P., Lattinger, R. & Danielopol, D. L. (1994). Fine-scale distribution of hypogean ostracoda in the interstitial habitats of the Rivers Sava and Rhone. Hydrobiologia 287: 19-28.
- Salbrechter, M. (1994). Gymnodinium helveticum und Ciliaten im Mondsee, 1992-. Ihre saisonale Entwicklung und Bedeutung im mikrobiellen Nahrungsgewebe 1-58. Diplomarbeit Universität , Salzburg.
- Salbrechter, M., Arndt, H. (1994). The annual cycle of protozooplankton in the mesotrophic, alpine Lake Mondsee (Austria). Marine Microbial Food Webs 8: (1-2) 217-234.
- Schellander, A (1994). Beeinflussung der planktischen Primärproduktion und der Phytoplanktonzusammensetzung durch mittelfristige Störungen in einem turbulenten, stark getrübten Flachsee (Neusiedlersee) 1-118. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien.
- Torreiter, P., Pitaksintorn-Watanamahart, P., and Danielopol, D. L. (1994). The acitivity of oligochaetes in relation to their ecological role in slow filtration columns, 85-94. In: Proceedings of the Second Internationl Conference on Ground Water Ecology. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency American Water Resources Association, Atlanta.
- Uiblein, F., Roca, J. R. & Danielopol, D. L. (1994). Experimental observations on the behaviour of the ostracode Cypridopsis vidua. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie, Verhandlungen 25: 2418-2420.
- Vrana, H. (1994). Quantifizierung des Nährstoffeintrags in die Neue Donau in Wien über das Grundwasser: Untersuchungen im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Studie “Neue Donau” 1-89. Diplomarbeit Universität , Wien.
- Wagner, F., Gimona, M., Ahorn, H., Peschek, G. A. & Falkner, G. (1994). Isolation and functional reconstitution of a phosphate binding protein of the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans induced during phosphate-limited growth. The Jounal of Biological Chemistry 169: (8) 5509-5511.