Functional Analysis Group



Analysis Seminar Innsbruck 24th - 27th September 2024


Department of Mathematics
Technikerstraße 13
A-6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: +43 512 507 53801
Fax: +43 512 507 53899

Former Invited Talks:



28.05.2024 Uri Grupel (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel): Math Sarafi: Navigating Real-World Applications
15.11.2022 Grigory Ivanov (IST Austria): Steinitz theorem: There and Back Again
11.10.2022 Wiesław Kubiś (Czech Academy of Sciences): Abstract evolution systems
10.12.2019 Martin Kolář (Masaryk University, Brno): Symmetries and Invariants in Several Complex Variables
19.11.2019 Hermann König (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel): On the volume of non-central sections of a cube
19.11.2019 Marián Fabian (Czech Academy of Sciences): Nash-Moser-Ekeland Theorem
20.05.2019 Petr Borodin (Moscow State University): Greedy Approximation by Arbitrary Sets
Petr Borodin (Moscow State University): Problem of Convexity of Chebyshev Sets
25.03.2019 Bernd Kirchheim (LFUI Guest Professor, University of Leipzig): 3M - Mikrostrukturen in Materialien und Mathematik
18.03.2019 Martin Tancer (Charles University, Prague): Computational aspects of combinatorial topology
22.11.2018 Dmitriy Bilyk (University of Minnesota, MN, USA): Points on the sphere
18.04.2018 Uri Grupel (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel): Intersecting Subsets of the Sphere by Random Subspaces
05.12.2017 Rafał Zalas (Technion—Israel Institute of Technology): Projection Methods in Feasibility
04.12.2017 Rafał Zalas (Technion—Israel Institute of Technology): The Optimal Error Bound for the Method of Simultaneous Projections
20.06.2017 Mokshay Madiman (University of Delaware and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research): On the tendency to convexity of Minkowski sums
03.11.2016 Imre Bárány (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest and University College London): Extremal Problems for Convex Lattice Polytopes,
22.10.2015 Gergely Ambrus (Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Limit properties of random point sets in the plane
22.10.2015 Marián Fabian (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic): Rich families occuring across Maths or at least across Analysis, Topology, Set Theory...
17.09.2015 Friedrich Hubalek (TU Wien): Some special functions and equations arising from a simple binomial order book model
23.04.2015 Vladimír Müller (Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague): On joint numerical radius
21.04.2015 Vladimír Müller (Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague): An Overview of the Invariant Subspace Problem
19.03.2015 Aleksandr Koldobskiy (University of Missouri-Columbia und MPI Bonn): Slicing inequalities for measures of convex bodies
08.01.2015 Sven-Ake Wegner (Bergische Universität Wuppertal): Evolution Equations beyond Banach Spaces
09.12.2014 Pavel Krejčí (Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic): A thermodynamic model for fluid flow in a porous elastoplastic solid
23.10.2014 Olga Maleva (University of Birmingham): Lowest fractal dimensions for universal differentiability
08.05.2014 Wiesław Kubiś (Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic): Generic Objects
06.05.2014 Michael Dymond (University of Birmingham): Universal differentiability sets in Banach spaces
28.01.2014 Pavel Krejčí (Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic): A model for water freezing in a deformable container
28.11.2013 Hermann König (Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel): On the Leibniz and the Chain Rule Operator Equation.
21.05.2013 Jiří Matoušek (Charles University, Prague and ETH Zurich): Geometry restricts combinatorics: how much?
15.01.2013 Stefan Huber (Universität Salzburg): Recent Results and Open Problems On Straight Skeletons
26.11.2012 Calin Ambrozie (Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Prague): On the truncated, multivariate moments problems

Past Events:

15.11.2019–17.11.2019 Analysis Seminar Innsbruck 2019, Igls-Vill (Conference web page)
04.11.2016–06.11.2016 Analysis Seminar Innsbruck 2016, Igls-Vill (Conference web page)
23.10.2015–25.10.2015 Analysis Seminar Innsbruck 2015, Igls-Vill (Conference web page)
24.10.2014–26.10.2014 Analysis Seminar Innsbruck 2014, Igls-Vill (Conference web page)
29.11.2013–01.12.2013 Analysis Seminar Innsbruck 2013, Igls-Vill (Conference web page)
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