Martin Tollinger received his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Innsbruck. Subsequently, he joined the laboratories of Julie D. Forman-Kay and Lewis E. Kay at the University of Toronto for a postdoc in NMR spectroscopy, specializing in the field of protein folding and intrinsically denatured proteins, funded by a Schrödinger Fellowship from the Austrian Science Fund. A Schrödinger Return Fellowship enabled him to continue this work at the Max Perutz Laboratories in Vienna, where he also obtained a venia docendi from the University of Vienna. Martin Tollinger relocated to the University of Innsbruck in 2010, where he pursued his passion for NMR spectroscopic studies of proteins, ribonucleic acids, and their interactions. His research has a particular focus on investigating dynamic aspects and exploring the effects that structural heterogeneity can have on biomolecular function.