Markus GANZERA, Assoz.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr.
Associate Professor
Institute of Pharmacy/Pharmacognosy
University of Innsbruck
Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine
Innrain 80 - 82/IV
Room: L.04.031
6020 Innsbruck / Austria
Phone: +43 512 507 - 58406 | Fax: +43 512 507 - 58499
Research |
Publications |
Teaching |
Biography |
Teaching activities
- Principals of phytochemical techniques, VO
- Principals of phytochemical techniques, UE
- Quality control of medicinal plants, UE
- Use of modern information sources in pharmaceutical sciences, SE
- Literature, databases and introduction to scientific writing, SE
- Bachelor´s Thesis in Pharmacy, PS
- Pharmaceutical core subjects I, UE
- Analysis of current research data, SE
- Discussion of current research data, SE