Master class on Agency and (quantum) physics
AQP2016: Master class
1. Jesse Mulder (Utrecht University):
AQP2016 the main conference of the project Agency and (quantum) physics. For details of the project Agency and (quantum) physics, see our web-page. The conference is funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation.
Master class programme
Monday, Sept. 19 | Tuesday, Sept. 20 | |
9:00 - 9:30 | Introduction | |
9:30 - 10:30 |
Jesse M. Mulder: Limited indeterminism |
10:30 - 11:00 |
10:30 - 12:00 Rüdiger Schack: QBism - quantum mechanics for agents |
11:00 - 11:30 | Coffee break | |
11:30 - 13:00 |
Vedran Dunjko & Tim Räz: The Projective Simulation (PS)
model for learning agents
AQP2016 conference
13:00 - 14:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 - 16:00 |
Josef Quitterer & Daniel Wehinger: What is Agency? |
16:00 - | Evening programme |
Participation and registration
The master class is intended for master and PhD students, but also advanced bachelor students.
The four sessions will be in seminar format, with emphasis on discussions. Upon acceptance, to help you prepare, we will provide you with supporting reading material. You will be asked to read 1-2 papers for each session in advance and to prepare for the discussions.
The master class has a limited capacity. If you would like to attend, please submit an application containing the following information: 1. Name, 2. Contact information, 3. Academic affiliation, 4. CV, 5. A brief letter stating your interest in the master class. Please submit your application in a single pdf file to aqp2016@uni-konstanz.de, with the subject line Application Master Class aqp2016.
Applications should be sent by July 26. A notification of acceptance will be sent by August 3.
The fee for the master class is EUR 120, including coffee, lunch, and the conference package. Please indicate if you would like to be considered for a fee waiver and travel reimbursement.
You will receive a certificate of participation.
The master class takes place at the University of Konstanz, room Y311.
Information on how to get to the university campus, and a map of the university campus with the conference venue (building Y), can be found here.
Attendees are advised to book their accommodation early, and this can be done via Konstanz's official booking site:
http://www.konstanz-tourismus.de/ .
Note that Konstanz is a very popular tourist destination. If you wish to make individual arrangements, we advise you to book your hotel rooms well in advance.
Travel information
The nearest airports are the small regional airport of Friedrichshafen (with regular train and boat connections to Konstanz), Germany, and the international airport of Zurich, Switzerland (with regular direct train connections to Konstanz).