Faculty of the DC AGE_REG 

Foto_PJDUniv.-Doz. Dr. Pidder Jansen-Dürr, Head
Research Department for Biomedical Aging Research
Research area(s): cellular senescence in human dermal fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells, reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial proteins as regulators of senescence, skin aging
Personal webpage
Students: Elia Cappuccio, Ines Martic, Michéle Petit, Max Holzknecht, Andreas Andric
Alumni: Giorgia Baraldo, Sophia Wedel


Foto_Ilse_KrannerUniv.-Prof. Dr. Ilse Kranner, Deputy Head 
Department of Botany
Research area(s): plant metabolomics, ageing of plant seeds, stress biology, lipid peroxidation
Personal webpage
Students: Hooman Norouzi
Alumni: Davide Gerna, Nicki Marami-Zounouz


Foto_Frank_EdenhoferUniv.-Prof. Dr. Frank Edenhofer, Deputy Head
Department of Molecular Biology
Research area(s): stem cell biology, cellular reprogramming
Personal webpage
Students: Julianne Beirute Herrera, Lena Böhnke, Elisa Gabassi
Alumni: Anita Erharter, Nikita Arnst, Marcel Tisch


Faculty members

Emanuel Derudder  Assoc.-Prof. Emmanuel Derudder, PhD
  Research Department for Biomedical Aging Research
  Research area(s): regulation of B cell development and function, NF-kB signaling pathways, MiRNA-mediated post-
  transcriptional gene silencing
  Personal webpage
                           Student: Periklis Ziakis                                                                                                                                                                                               Alumni: Magdalena Hagen (Co-supervisor)


Foto_Hobmayr_BertUniv.-Prof. Dr. Bert Hobmayer
Department of Zoology
Research area(s): Regeneration, stem cells, ageing in the simple multicellular animal model Hydra, axial patterning, Wnt signaling
Personal webpage
Students: Moses Kibet
Alumni: Sabine Gufler


Foto_Dirk_Meyer  Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Meyer
  Department of Molecular Biology
  Research area(s): molecular mechanisms of vertebrate development, transcriptional control of pancreatic b-cell
  Personal webpage
  Students: Marc Sathianathan, Melanie Zott
                          Alumni: Onur Temocin


Foto_Ute_RothbächerAssoz. Prof. Dr. Ute Rothbächer
Department of Zoology
Research area(s): developmental biology and evolution in the model organism tunicates/ascidians, molecular switches for gene regulation and cell fate acquisition, transcriptional repression mechanisms in Wnt/TCF/ß‑catenin and FGF/ERK/Ets signaling, functional genomics, bioadhesion
Personal webpage
Alumni: Zeng Fang

Foto_Birgit_WeinbergerUniv.-Prof. Dr. Birgit Weinberger
Research Department for Biomedical Aging Research
Reserach area(s): Immunosenescence, age-related changes of the
T cell compartment, vaccination in old age
Personal webpage
Students: Gabriel Knoll
Alumni: Magdalena Hagen


Foto Alexander WeissAss.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alexander K. H. Weiss                                                                                                                                  Research Department for Biomedical Aging Research
Research area(s): 
mitochondrial proteins as regulators of cellular senescence, enzymology
Personal webpage
Students: Max Holzknecht (Co-supervisor), Andreas Andric (Co-supervisor)



Martin WidschwendterUniv.-Prof. Dr. Martin Widschwendter
Research Department for Biomedical Aging Research
Reserach area(s): Women's cancer (breast, ovarian, endometrial, and cervical cancer), risk prediction, screening, and early detection, BRCA1/2, DNA methylation signatures for the prediction of women's cancers (WID Tests), epigenetics, P4 Medicine
                            Personal webpage
                            Students: Lena Schreiberhuber

Foto_Werner_ZwerschkeUniv.-Prof. Dr. Werner Zwerschke
Research Department for Biomedical Aging Research
Research area(s): Biology of Adipose Stem Cells and Adipocytes,
Cellular Aging, Obesity / Caloric Restriction
Personal webpage
Students: Sonja Grossmann, Victoria Strobl 

Associated Faculty Members

  Christopher EskAss.-Prof. Dr. Christopher Esk
  Institute of Molecular Biology 
  Research area(s): neurodevelopment, brain organoids, brain aging
  Personal webpage
  Students: Beatriz Lopez-Amo Calvo (Co-supervisor)

Foto Francesca Finotello  Ass.-Prof. Francesca Finotello, PhD
  Institute of Molecular Biology & Digital Science Center (DiSC)
  Research area(s): computational biology and bioinformatics, multi-omics data analysis, single-cell and spatial
  transcriptomics, immunity and cancer
  Personal webpage
  Students: Irene Rigato, Lorenzo Merotto



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