News and Events
DC AGE_REG Winter School 2025
This year's Winter School of the AGE_REG doctoral program took place on February 5 and 6, 2025. There was a lively exchange on topics from aging research, regenerative medicine and drug development, and the PhD students also enjoyed an exciting training program in the form of two workshops focusing on applications and travel grants/mobility. One highlight was the exciting guest lecture by Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Frank Madeo (Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz) on the topic of “Spermidine: A caloric restriction mimetic for geroprotection”.
The two-day event concluded with the presentation of the Best Poster and Oral Presentation Awards, which went to Ines Martic (1st place Poster Award), Elisa Gabassi (2nd place Poster Award), Hooman Norouzi (1st place Oral Presentation) and Beatriz Lopez-Amo Calvo (2nd place Oral Presentation) - congratulations to the winners!
Best oral presentation award: Ines Martic, Dept. of Biomedical Aging Research (First picture)
Runner-up awards: Elisa Gabassi, Dept. of Molecular Biology (Second picture) and Nicki Marami-Zonouz, Dept. of Botany (Third picture)

The VERSA lectures for the upcoming semester are now available on LFU-online:
800911 Video gamEs foR Skills trAining (VERSA) - Judgment and Decicion Making Course, VU 2, 1 ECTS credit: The participants learn to take into account the relative costs and benefits of possible acts to choose the most appropriate.
- Contents: Participants play the strategy game Gems of War. The game combines puzzle and role playing elements. This game presents 3 lines of decision to the player, a more strategic part where the player decides which units to use, a more frenetic part that consists of making micro-decisions about how to move the units on the board, on, and another line deciding which units are upgraded related to the macro strategy.
800913 Video gamEs foR Skills trAining (VERSA) - Time Management Course, VU 2, 1 ECTS credit: The participants learn to manage their time as well as the time of others. They are aware of the time while performing tasks.
- Contents: Participants play the action-strategy game Minion Masters. In this real-time multiplayer game players have to team up and to manage over 100 figurines to reach their goal. Tasks have to be distributed in time and their duration considered.
06.12.2021 (09.00 – 12.00 hrs and 13.00 – 16.00 hrs)
Winter semester 2021/2022
Summer semester 2021
Joint summer school DP AGE REG & ARDRE
DP AGE_REG summer school 2019: FEBS Workshop “Ageing and Regeneration” and DP AGE-REG special event
Topical Seminar with Prof. Steve Horvath, University of California, Los Angeles, USA; lecture on "DNA methylation-based biomarkers and the epigenetic clock theory of ageing”
Topical Seminar with Alejandro Ocampo Méndez, Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland; lecture on “Novel epigenetic approaches for treatment of aging and disease“
Topical Seminar with Erwann Arc & Wolfgang Stöggl, Dept. of Botany, University of Innsbruck; lecture on “Metabolites and Metabolomics from the plant kingdom”
Meeting of the DP AGE_REG Students
Lecture and lab course “Nonfluorescent RNA in situ hybridization” (Ernst Mach Fellow Guest Prof. Carla Grade Vermeulen Carvalho)
10.04.-12.04.2018 & 16.04.-17.04.2018
DP AGE-REG summer school 2018: Lecture and lab course “DNA sequencing and manipulation: News about our past, heritable diseases and potential future therapy” (Guest Prof. Hans Weiher)
DP AGE-REG winter school 2018: "Impact of genome sequencing"
Meeting of the DP AGE_REG Students
Meeting of the DP AGE_REG Students
10th MiPschool 2017, COST Action CA15203 MITOEAGLE Training School (Summer school, jointly organized with the DP AGE-REG)
DP AGE-REG kick-off meeting and joint winter school "Novel targets in ageing research" (DP AGE-REG, EU project MediHealth)